BrianRxm Coins in Movies BrianRxm
Png Movie Stars  
Coins Appearing in Films
Latest additions:
Raiders of the Seven Seas (1953) - Added March 24, 2025
Indecent Proposal (1993) - Added February 22, 2025
Ghost of Sierra de Cobre, The (1964) - Added February 20, 2025
Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) - Added February 4, 2025
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1. Abbott and Costello Go to Mars (1953)
  Two strange visitors to New Orleans rob a bank of coin rolls and coins
2. Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy (1955)
  Sacred medallion leads the boys to an ancient cult and a living mummy
3. Alias Nick Beal (1949)
  A politician sells his soul to the Devil who carries around a silver dollar
4. Allotment Wives (1945)
  Motion picture title shows illustrations of United States coins
5. American Buffalo (1996)
  Three men acquire a Buffalo Nickel and plan the theft of a coin collection
6. American Dream, An (1966)
  American man's life goes into descent and he plays with spoon and quarter
7. Anderson Tapes, The (1971)
  Apartment burglars find US $20 Double Eagles but some don't recognize them
8. Andy Hardy - The Courtship of Andy Hardy (1942)
  Young man takes unpopular girl to dance and bribes other boys with coins
9. Angels with Dirty Faces (1938)
  Teenage gang members take apart slot machine and find coins
10. Annapurna (1953) (French title: Victoire sur l'Annapurna)
  French mountaineers climb Nepal peak and people pay with Nepal coins
11. Anne of the Thousand Days (1969)
  Henry VIII executes Sir Thomas More who gives gold coin to executioner
12. Another Dawn (1937)
  British officers in 1930's Iraq flip a British coin to fly a dangerous mission
13. Anthony Adverse (1937)
  Convent sisters adopt orphan infant boy who was left with gold coins
14. Asphalt Jungle, The (1950)
  Jewel thief gives nickels to teenagers to play jukebox music
15. Assignment Terror (1970)
  German carnival worker sells tickets and has German coins on a table
16. Atlantis the Lost Continent (1961)
  The legendary island supposedly sent coins to the old and new worlds
17. Atomic Kid, The (1954)
  Man survives atomic bomb blast and causes casino slot machines to jackpot
18. Autobiography Of Miss Jane Pittman, The (1974)
  Southern Black woman tells her life story including a Hoodoo woman coin
19. Automat, The (2021)
  The famous New York and Philadelphia coin operated restaurants
20. Background To Danger (1943)
  Americian in WW2 Turkey becomes involved with spies and flips coin
21. Bad Bascomb (1946)
  Mormon wagon train is hideout for outlaws and a gold coin
22. Bad Man of Brimstone, The (1937)
  Western outlaw meets lawman son at gambling house with dollar-sized coins
23. Barbarian and the Geisha, The (1958)
  American diplomat in 1800's Japan gives silver dollar to Geisha
24. Baron of Arizona, The (1950)
  Swindler forges Spanish land grant and meets Gypsy girl and her gold coins
25. Barry Lyndon (1975)
  Irishman in the 1700's fights a duel where a coin decides the outcome
26. Ben-Hur (1959)
  Roman ancient gold and silver coins in a chest
27. Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (1956)
  Reporter shows a showgirl a wad of cash in a gold coin money clip
28. Big Sleep, The (1946)
  Los Angeles private detective Philip Marlowe at a cafe table with coins
29. Bishop's Wife, The (1947)
  An angel uses ancient Roman coin to restore dignity to a bishop and professor
30. Bitter Stems, The (1956) (Argentine title: Los Tallos Amargos)
  Two men become partners in a mail order scheme and receive coins
31. Black Coin, The (1936)
  Twelve cursed ancient Arabic "Black Coins" give the location of treasure
32. Black Dakotas, The (1954)
  Western film features cowboys and Indians and gold coins
33. Black Stallion, The (1979)
  Coins on 1946 ship including silver dollars and British pennies
34. Black Swan, The (1942)
  Pirates wear various coins as jewelry medallions
35. Black Tuesday (1954)
  Two condemmed prisoners flip a quarter to determine who is executed first
36. Black Widow (1987)
  Wealthy coin collector, ancient coin catalogs, Italian Lucca coin
37. Blackbeard the Pirate (1952)
  The famous 18th century pirate and a traditional treasure chest with coins
38. Blazing Sixes (1937)
  Western gang steals gold coins from Denver mint shipments and convert to bullion
39. Blood Simple (1984)
  Texas bar owner keeps cigar box with loose change
40. Bob le flambeur (1956)
  French gambler carries two-headed "Good Luck Coin"
41. Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
  Would-be bank robbers get small bills and small change
42. Born to Kill (1947)
  Tough guy meets tough girl in Reno with Paramount tokens on the table
43. Boy with Green Hair, The (1948)
  Grandfather shows young boy a magic trick with a silver dollar
44. Boys Town (1938)
  The famous Omaha boys home established by contributions including coins
45. Brasher Doubloon, The (1947)
  Detective Philip Marlowe and the legendary Brasher Doubloon
46. Breathless (1960)
  French man romances American girl with French coins
47. Breathless (1983)
  Los Angeles thief visits well-known coin store and later finds pennies
48. Bridge of Spies (2015)
  Spies use hollow Jefferson nickel and modified peace dollar
49. Bright Leaf (1950)
  Tobacco and cigarette manufacturing business provides man with gold coins
50. Buffalo Bill (1944)
  Indian Head cent, silver dollar, and Congressional Medal
51. Bumping Into Broadway (1919)
  Harold Lloyd, Bebe Daniels, Standing Liberty Quarters, Buffalo Nickels
52. Burglar, The (1957)
  Jayne Mansfield holds silver quarters in her hand
53. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
  Western film with outlaws, bandits, and bags of Mexican silver pesos
54. Caddyshack (1980)
  Golf course caddy pays $1.00 for a bottle of soda and receives two quarters
55. Captain Blood (1935)
  Seventeenth century pirate ship crew's loot includes gold doubloons
56. Captain Kidd's Treasure (1938)
  Captain Kidd's pirate treasure chest full of coins
57. Card, The (1952) (Alternate title: The Promoter)
  Englishman seizes opportunities and handles lots of coins
58. Carnival of Sinners (1943) (French title: La Main du diable)
  French artist purchases cursed talisman for a five centimes coin
59. Casablanca (1942)
  French franc, French war medals, and a "penny"
60. Casino (1995)
  Las Vegas Nevada gambling casinos in the 1970's and 1980's still used coins
61. Chalk Garden, The (1964)
  Young British girl opens box revealing cardboard large pennies
62. Champ, The (1931)
  Boxing champion's son kisses a coin for good luck at a casino dice game
63. Chandu the Magician (1932)
  Magician turns gold coins into toads
64. Chariots of Fire (1981)
  British running coach uses British pennies to explain stride
65. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
  Silver Peace dollar pays for a "Golden Ticket"
66. Charlie Chan in Egypt (1935)
  Glamorous maid shows the money by wearing coins
67. Children's Hour, The (1961)
  Encased Lincoln cent from Las Vegas Binion's Horseshoe Casino
68. Christmas in Connecticut (1945)
  Man plays sled driver with Prosperity Lucky Ship tokens
69. Cimarron (1931)
  Western film about Oklahoma with silver dollars, half dollars, and quarters
70. Cincinnati Kid, The (1965)
  Would be professional poker plays for nickels and bigger money
71. Cinderella Man (2005)
  Standing Liberty quarters and an unusual use for a silver dollar
72. City Beneath The Sea (1953)
  Underwater treasure film inspires notorious fake gold bar and coin fraud
73. Cleopatra (1963)
  Elizabeth Taylor wears Julius Caesar gold coin necklace
74. Coin Heist (2017)
  Students break into the Philadelphia Mint and mint their own coins
75. Come to the Stable (1949)
  Nuns raising funds for hospital find that religious medallion can become a coin
76. Comedy of Terrors, The (1963)
  Vincent Price acquires a coin collection in the course of business
77. Coming to America (1988)
  African prince visits New York City and carries coin with his picture
78. Conspirators, The (1944)
  World War II anti-Nazi resistance members use old coin to identify members
79. Cool Hand Luke (1967)
  A prison road gang gambles with coins and one inmate makes a coin ring
80. Cotton Club, The (1984)
  New York night club gangsters run "Numbers Racket" with coins
81. Count of Monte Cristo, The (1934)
  Man escapes from prison with directions to treasure and finds coins
82. Count of Monte Cristo, The (2002)
  Man escapes from prison with directions to treasure and finds coins
83. Count of the Old Town, The (1935)
  Swedish film set in Stockholm about local characters and a coin theft
84. Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
  Nasty space aliens search for $20 gold pieces in the Old West
85. Cynara (1932)
  A British couple's life destiny is determined by the flip of a British penny
86. Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959)
  Irish Leprechaun's pot of gold has many types of coins
87. Dark Corner, The (1946)
  Man just carries his change the hard way with a roll of nickels
88. Day the Earth Stood Still, The (1951)
  Tourist in Washington DC shows that diamonds can act as coins
89. Day They Robbed the Bank of England (1960)
  Victorian bank robber pays for information with British gold sovereigns
90. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982)
  Detective encounters old movie actors and Hong Kong dollars
91. Dear John (2010)
  American soldier's coin-collector father gives him a special coin
92. Deep, The (1977)
  Bermuda museum display of gold coins and divers find two shipwreck treasures
93. Dennis the Menace (1993)
  The famous "bad boy" of the comics finds a gold coin collection
94. Desire Under the Elms (1958)
  A man buries a cache of $20 gold coins on the property and sons find it
95. Desiree (1954)
  French woman loans money to soldier and he repays her with gold coins
96. Destination Moon (1950)
  Astronauts bring coins to the moon but have to leave them behind
97. Devil and Daniel Webster, The (1941)
  The Devil hands out Canadian cents and ancient Greek and Roman coins
98. Dillinger (1945)
  John Dillinger, infamous 1930's bank robber, steals bills and coins
99. Dime With a Halo (1963)
  Five Tijuana Mexico boys use church Mercury dime to bet on horse race
100. Dog's Purpose, A (2017)
  A dog's adventures including swallowing a St. Gaudens 1907 $20 coin
101. Downhill (1927)
  British boy pays man with halfpenny and man then has small French coins
102. Drag Me to Hell (2009)
  Woman gives boyfriend a 1929 Standing Liberty quarter
103. Dr. Strangelove (1964)
  Military officer shoots Coca-Cola vending machine to get dimes
104. Dude Goes West, The (1948)
  Gamblers in Western saloon play cards for silver dollars
105. Duel in the Sun (1946)
  The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin becomes a Western movie star
106. Durango Kid - The Kid From Broken Gun (1952)
  Spanish gold coin is played by a coin with a strange legend
107. Easy Come, Easy Go (1967)
  Elvis finds treasure of "pieces of eight" and a 1960's coin store
108. Empire Of The Sun (1987)
  English boy survives Japanese prison camp with a companion British half crown
109. F for Fake (1973)
  Magician Orson Welles handles various real 1970's French coins
110. Face in the Crowd, A (1957)
  Television program shows wheelbarrow full of silver half dollars
111. Far from the Madding Crowd (1967)
  Wealthy English Victorian woman farm owner pays employees in coins
112. Fastest Gun Alive, The (1956)
  Reluctant gunman shoots two silver dollars out of the air
113. Father Is a Bachelor (1950)
  Confidence man and his two-headed coin take care of five children
114. FBI Story, The (1959)
  Russian spies use a specially modified Franklin half dollar for their work
115. 5 Against the House (1955)
  College Boys attempt to rob Harolds Club Casino in Reno Nevada
116. Flamingo Road (1949)
  Woman arrives in small Southern town and gives local politican two nickels
117. Flight of the Doves (1971)
  Two children flee Britian to Ireland and leave British coins on a table
118. Fog, The (1980)
  Boy walks on beach and finds an old gold coin
119. Fool's Gold (2008)
  Caribbean Spanish shipwreck treasure hunters encounter gold doubloons
120. For a Few Dollars More (1965)
  Western saloon has card tables with real Morgan silver dollars
121. Force of Evil (1948)
  New York City numbers racket with coin counting machines and nickels
122. Foxes Of Harrow, The (1947)
  Dollar sized coins and an 1827 "twenty dollar gold piece"
123. French Key, The (1946)
  Two amateur detectives find a body clutching a rare 1822 gold coin
124. Frisco Kid (1935)
  James Cagney's San Francisco Barbary Coast establishment has trays of coins
125. From Hell (2001)
  Police inspector chases Jack the Ripper and ends up with coins on his eyes
126. From Russia with Love (1963)
  James Bond takes British gold sovereigns to Istanbul and meets blondes
127. From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (1973)
  Two children run away from home and spend small coins at a cafeteria
128. Gangs of New York (2002)
  Various 1860's gold and silver coins
129. Gardenia (1979) (Italian title: Gardenia, Il Giustiziere Della Mala)
  Italian gentleman gangster and restaurant owner rolls coins with fingers
130. Getting Even With Dad (1994)
  Three men steal PCGS-graded coin hoard and one's son involves himself
131. Ghost (1990)
  A ghost story with an Indian Head cent and an unusual Lincoln cent
132. Ghost of Sierra de Cobre, The (1964)
  United States 1960's circulating coins and a ghost haunt a house
133. Gidget Goes to Rome (1963)
  The famous surfer girl loses a Liberty Head 1898 $10 gold coin in a fountain
134. Glass Wall, The (1953)
  Refugee immigrant explores New York City and finds coins on the sidewalk
135. Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933)
  Showgirls wear old coin design costumes and sing "We're in the Money"
136. Golden Blade, The (1953)
  Arabian Nights adventure with scorpion medallions and gold dinars
137. Gone with the Wind (1939)
  Atlanta store with stacks of gold and silver coins
138. Good Earth, The (1937)
  Chinese peasants and Chinese silver dollar coins
139. Good Marriage, A (2014)
  Wife learns that husband is coin dealer and serial killer and has special 1955 cent
140. Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The (1966)
  Three men search the American Civil War West for a fortune in gold coins
141. Goonies, The (1985)
  Boys and crooks hunt for pirate treasure, pennies, and gold doubloons
142. Grapes of Wrath, The (1940)
  Truck drives at Route 66 truck stop leave half dollar tips
143. Great Expectations (1946)
  Young Englishman receives gold guineas from mysterious benefactor
144. Great Sinner, The (1949)
  German gambling casino of the 1860's show German and other coins on tables
145. Greatest Game Ever Played, The (2005)
  Two coins open film about the 1913 U.S. Open golf tournament
146. Greatest Story Ever Told, The (1965)
  Ancient Roman coins and a large coin wall decoration
147. Greed (McTeague) (1924)
  San Francisco story with stacks of gold coins and circulating silver coins
148. Green Dolphin Street (1947)
  British sailor in 1840's visits China and spends some coins
149. Gun Duel in Durango (1957)
  President Monroe dollar-sized coins and some tokens
150. Gun Runners, The (1958)
  Key West Florida casino has Mercury dimes and Morgan and Peace dollars
151. Hangman's Knot (1952)
  Randolph Scott and a silver dollar sized "Indian Token"
152. Hard Day's Night, A (1964)
  The Beatles perform and Ringo finds British coins in a pub
153. Harvey (1950)
  An unusual friend and a missing coin purse save a man's life
154. Heart of Glass (1976) (German title: Herz aus Glas)
  Townspeople pay for damaged sofa with Maria Theresa Thalers
155. Hessen Conspiracy, The (2009)
  Ancient Roman Caligula "Three Sisters" coin copies
156. His Majesty O'Keefe (1954)
  Sacred stone money of the Pacific Island of Yap and various foreign coins
157. Hobson's Choice (1953)
  British husband and wife save the first penny earned in their business
158. Hold That Hypnotist (1957)
  The Bowery Boys find a pirate's treasure chest with doubloons and pieces-of-eight
159. Holiday in Spain (Scent of Mystery) (1960)
  British tourist in Spain flips Spanish coin for Spanish girl
160. Hollywood or Bust (1956)
  Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis stop in Las Vegas and win slot machine coins
161. Honey Pot, The (1967)
  Venice Italy silver coins, American quarter roll as weapon and mystery clue
162. Hopalong Cassidy - Pride of the West (1938)
  Men count stacks of $20 gold pieces in jail
163. Hopalong Cassidy - Secrets of the Wasteland (1941)
  Shooting contest with silver dollar as target
164. Hot Millions (1968)
  British newspaper announces new 50 Pence coins and man handles Italian coins
165. Hot Summer Night (1957)
  Newspaper reporter visits criminal and shootout reveals hoard of coins
166. House of the Seven Gables, The (1940)
  Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel with some loose change and a "Cent Shop"
167. Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of (1960)
  Mark Twain's novel, a $20 gold piece, and a modern New Zealand coin
168. Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (1939)
  A Gypsy girl wears coins and a king wears medals on his hat
169. Ill Met by Moonlight (1957)
  World War II British officers kidnap a German general and his lucky gold coin
170. In Cold Blood (1967)
  Robber chases a girl's silver dollar under her bed
171. Indecent Proposal (1993)
  An American Silver Eagle and Las Vegas Hilton chips decide a girl's virtue
172. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
  Spanish cob gold doubloons and silver cob "pieces of eight"
173. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)
  Indiana finds body of ancient Greek scientist with coins in the eyes
174. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
  Indiana bets a large diamond against Portuguese gold moidores
175. Intruder in the Dust (1949)
  Young man attempts to pay for assistance with coins
176. Ivanhoe (1952)
  Small silver coins of medieval England
177. Johnny Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1944)
  Gremlin and Buffalo Nickel interfere with a young woman's fate
178. Johnny O'Clock (1947)
  Mexican large silver peso points to a killer
179. Jungle Book (1942)
  Ancient gold coin causes trouble for jungle boy Mowgli and others
180. Just Rambling Along (1918)
  Stan Laurel, a pretty girl, a restaurant bill, and a Barber dime
181. Kangaroo (1952)
  Australian Western with "Two-up" game, British pennies and coins
182. Kansas City Confidential (1952)
  Kansas City bank robbery gang heads for Mexico and casino prop coins
183. Kid For Two Farthings, A (1955)
  London boy buys a "unicorn" goat and later gets a gold sovereign
184. Kim (1950)
  British India rupees and President Monroe coins
185. King and Four Queens, The (1956)
  Clark Gable and $20 dollar gold pieces
186. King Solomon's Mines (1950)
  African safari employee wears Ethiopian silver dollars as medals
187. King's Speech, The (2010)
  A British prince finds that he will soon be on a British shilling
188. Knights of the Round Table (1953)
  King Arthur of England, the Round Table, Lancelot, Guinevere, and a gold coin
189. La Bohème (1926)
  Young Paris girl works to support boyfriend and receives French coins
190. Lady Jane (1986)
  Tudor England Queen Jane has short reign and mints her own coins
191. Lair of the White Worm, The (1988)
  Ancient Roman coins of Marcus Carausius lead to modern-day snake cult
192. Last Days of Pompeii, The (1935)
  Various imitation large Roman coins in hands and chests
193. Last Outpost, The (1951)
  Civil War Western with both sides fighting over gold coins
194. Last Picture Show, The (1971)
  Texas man wears silver Peace dollar tie clip to dance
195. Last Temptation of Christ, The (1988)
  Ancient Roman coins including a Paduan imitation Lucius Verus coin
196. Laughing Boy (1934)
  Navajo Indian boy gives bad girl some coins including silver dollars and dimes
197. Law and the Lady, The (1951)
  Victorian maid and friend visit Monte Carlo casino with coins on the table
198. Lay That Rifle Down (1955)
  Judy Canova encounters greedy relatives, confidence men, and loose change
199. Legend of the Lost (1957)
  Ancient Roman City of Leptis Magna and Emperor Septimius Severus
200. Leprechaun (1993)
  Irish Leprechaun's pot of gold has interesting Spanish coins
201. Let No Man Write My Epitaph (1960)
  Chicago judge living in rough neighborhood leaves a small estate in change
202. Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, The (1943)
  British Army officer and young woman flip a coin for love
203. Life of Emile Zola, The (1937)
  French writer receives coins and French military officers wear medals
204. Local Hero (1983)
  American executive visits Scotland and learns that one needs coins to call home
205. Locket, The (1946)
  Woman spills contents of purse onto table and shows coins not stolen jewels
206. London by Night (1937)
  London pub has cash register holding checks and coins
207. Long Day Closes, The (1992)
  Liverpool boy plays with old British King George V large penny
208. Long Hot Summer, The (1958)
  Treasure hunters find a 1910 silver dollar in rural Mississippi
209. Look Who's Laughing (1941)
  Top 1940's radio stars meet and one finds coins and a bar token
210. Loves of Carmen, The (1948)
  Rita Hayworth as a Gypsy gets to wear gold coins and so does her boyfriend
211. Luck of the Irish, The (1948)
  Leprechaun's pot of gold includes a Spanish doubloon
212. Lucky Devils (1933)
  William Boyd sees girl with good luck coin and flips his two-headed coin
213. Lust For Gold (1949)
  Arizona's legendary Lost Dutchman Mine and stacks gold coins
214. M (film title) (1951)
  Walking Liberty half dollar helps capture child killer
215. Mad About Men (1954)
  Mermaid takes Spanish gold doubloons to pawn shop
216. Madonna of the Seven Moons (1945)
  Italian woman leads two lives, one with women who wear peasant coin jewelry
217. Main Street After Dark (1944)
  A family of crooks, a Japanese coin, and bright shining money
218. Maisie - Up Goes Maisie (1946)
  Lucky coin and aviation wings identify stolen helicopter prototype
219. Maltese Falcon, The (1941)
  San Francisco visitor has modern Chinese and other coins on table
220. Man from Utah, The (1934)
  John Wayne handles old Chinese coin
221. Man Who Never Was, The (1956)
  British World War II officials create fake officer with credentials including coins
222. Man Who Would Be King, The (1975)
  Adventure in Afghanistan with ancient Greek Alexander and Roman coins
223. Man with the Golden Arm, The (1955)
  Professional poker dealer and drug addict finds coins and cash on the table
224. Manhunt in the Jungle (1958)
  Brazilian jungle expedition members capture giant snake and play dice with coins
225. Marie Antoinette (1938)
  King Louis XVI identified by his gold coin portrait
226. Mark of Zorro, The (1940)
  Zorro rescues a chest of gold coins in old Spanish California
227. Mary Poppins (1964)
  British Edward VII pennies appear as "Tuppence"
228. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
  British sailing ship's doctor uses silver dollar as medical device
229. Master of Ballantrae, The (1953)
  Errol Flynn in 1745 Scotland flips a gold coin
230. Men of America (1932)
  William Boyd spends a nickel at a store and fights gangsters
231. Mighty Joe Young (1949)
  Large African gorilla and nine inch wide flying "coins"
232. Miracle, The (1959)
  Spanish nun meets Gypsy leader who is betrayed for Spanish coins
233. Miracle In The Rain (1956)
  Ancient Roman coin unites two New York City lovers
234. Misfits, The (1961)
  Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe in Reno Nevada where there are silver dollars
235. Mission, The (1986)
  Spanish South American governor purchases Indian slaves with gold coins
236. Mister 880 (1950)
  Treasury Department Secret Service hunts counterfeiter of one dollar bills
237. Moby Dick (1956)
  Ship captain hunting a whale nails an Ecuador gold doubloon to the mast
238. Mojave (2016)
  Two men meet in the desert, one has a gold 1893 $20 "good luck coin"
239. Monuments Men, The (2014)
  This film resulted in the award of Congressional Gold Medal
240. Mr. Lucky (1943)
  Cary Grant helps the war effort with two-headed coins
241. Mr. Moto - Mysterious Mr. Moto (1938)
  Detective rolls a coin through his fingers
242. Mr. Moto - Thank You Mr. Moto (1937)
  Couple gives coin to Chinese street circus
243. Mr. Sardonicus (1961)
  A box holds various small European and other coins
244. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
  Governor's special coin decides appointment of senator
245. Mr. Soft Touch (1949)
  Gangster reforms with help of a lady and doesn't steal coins on table
246. Mummy, The (1999)
  Men play poker in 1920's Egypt for a Walking Liberty half dollar
247. Mummy Kharis Films, The (1942-1944)
  The films feature a cult's ancient Egyptian medal
248. Munchausen (1943) (German title: Münchhausen)
  The famous German baron's adventures include playing cards for coins
249. Murder by Contract (1958)
  Contract killer counts his Mercury and Roosevelt silver dimes
250. Murderer Lives at Number 21, The (1942) (French title: L'Assassin habite au 21)
  Murder victim at construction site has notes and coins on table
251. Murderers' Row (1966)
  Secret Agent Matt Helm has special kit with three British half crowns
252. My Gun is Quick (1957)
  A ten-cent dime introduces detective Mike Hammer to a jewel theft and murder
253. My Man Godfrey (1936)
  Society woman gives homeless man some money which falls on the floor
254. Mysterious Mr. Wong, The (1935)
  Mr. Wong searches Chinatown for the "Twelve Gold Coins of Confucius"
255. National Velvet (1944)
  Horse racing film with British gold sovereigns and silver shillings
256. Never Give a Sucker an Even Break (1941)
  Waitress warns W. C. Fields about counterfeit pennies and nickels
257. Night Train to Paris (1964)
  Woman spy identifies herself with a worn US Morgan silver dollar
258. Nightmare Alley (1947)
  Carnival magician uses silver Peace dollar to attract customers
259. No Country for Old Men (2007)
  Serial killer carries silver quarter he flips to decide whom to kill
260. No Man of Her Own (1950)
  Young woman is left alone and pregnant with seventeen cents in change
261. Nowhere to Go (1958)
  British confidence man tries to steal a woman's valuable coin collection
262. Odd Man Out (1947)
  Policeman hunting Irish robbery suspect offers coin to little girl
263. Oliver! (1968)
  Charles Dickens' orphan encounters Fagin, his pet owl, and chest of gold coins
264. Oliver Twist (1948)
  Charles Dickens' orphan encounters 18th century British guineas and shillings
265. On Borrowed Time (1939)
  Boy owns a large octagonal inscribed "love token" medal
266. One Foot in Hell (1960)
  Western saloon has real US Morgan Silver Dollars and imitation gold coins
267. Only Angels Have Wings (1939)
  South American airplane pilot carries two-headed "good luck" coin
268. Our Gang - Mama's Little Pirate (1934)
  Children discover a cave with giant pirate's treasure including extra large coins
269. Overlanders, The (1946)
  Australian Western with George VI pennies used in "Two-up" game
270. Pagan Love Song (1950)
  Two South Seas Tahiti lovers catch each other's tossed coins
271. Pandora and the Flying Dutchman (1951)
  English numismatist has coin catalogs and woman wears a coin medallion necklace
272. Passage to Marseille (1944)
  A chest of Mexican coins helps French prison escapees join the Free French
273. Penalty, The (1920)
  Lon Chaney organizes the robbery of the San Francisco Mint
274. People Under the Stairs, The (1991)
  Burglars visit old house and find creepy family and gold coins
275. Petrified Forest, The (1936)
  A drifter at an Arizona desert restaurant pays with a silver dollar
276. Picture of Dorian Gray, The (1945)
  Dorian Gray, a coin collector, has large coins, coin albums, and coin catalogs
277. Pirates of the Caribbean Films (2003-2011)
  Pirate film with Aztec coins, a Burma pya, British shillings, and Spanish doubloons
278. Pony Express (1953)
  Western gunfighter gives man a silver dollar to arrange a gunfight
279. Postman Always Rings Twice, The (1946)
  Couple planning murder find a cash register with a Confederate note and coins
280. Prestige, The (2006)
  Two stage magicians and a coin trick uses a British Victoria crown
281. Proud Valley, The (1940)
  Welsh miners plan march to London and pass hat for British large pennies
282. Public Enemies (2009)
  Bank robber John Dillinger and 1930's period coins
283. Pursued (1947)
  Two New Mexico men in 1898 flip a coin to decide who joins the Army
284. Queen Christina (1933)
  Greta Garbo as the Swedish queen with a coin with Garbo's portrait
285. Quiet Man, The (1952)
  Irish wedding involves recovery of wife's gold coins
286. Raiders of the Seven Seas (1953)
  Pirates prowl the Caribbean and encounter gold doubloons
287. Raintree County (1957)
  A bet on a footrace involves Civil War era gold coins
288. Rancho Notorious (1952)
  Gamblers bet on dice game called "Chuck-a-Luck" with coins on a table
289. Razor's Edge, The (1946)
  Man uses large ancient coin from India as a headache cure
290. Red Lily, The (1924)
  Paris pickpocket discovers that woman has French large copper coins
291. Return to Treasure Island (1954)
  The famous pirate novel inspires a modern-day hunt for gold coins
292. Revolt of the Slaves, The (1960)
  Ancient Romans persecute Christians and Roman pays gold coins for slave girl
293. Ride the High Country (1962)
  Randolph Scott and Joel McCrea spot a Mercury dime on the ground
294. Right Stuff, The (1983)
  American astronaut takes his nickels and dimes to bars and into space
295. Rio Bravo (1959)
  John Wayne, silver dollars, and a fifty-dollar gold piece
296. Rio Grande (1950)
  John Wayne, an Army Cavalry officer, handles silver dollars and half dollars
297. River of No Return (1954)
  Marilyn Monroe sings about one silver dollar
298. Road to Morocco (1942)
  Bob Hope and Bing Crosby discover a 1911 Buffalo Nickel
299. Road to Perdition (2002)
  Chicago 1930's gangsters hold and roll silver and half dollars
300. Robe, The (1953)
  Roman soldiers crucify Christ and gamble coins over his robe
301. Robin Hood, The Adventures of (1938)
  England's legendary outlaw band obtains a chest of various coins
302. Robin Hood (2010)
  Medieval England's legendary hero and English coins
303. Rock, The (1996)
  FBI agent insults British secret agent with United States quarter
304. Rocket Man, The (1954)
  Space boy passes collection plate in church with coins
305. Rolling Thunder (1977)
  Air Force officer returns from Vietnam and receives 2,556 silver dollars
306. Rose Tattoo, The (1955)
  Rose tattoos, a man wears a coin necktie, and a card room has coins on a table
307. Rush Hour (1998)
  Los Angeles police detective wears Walking Liberty Half Dollar as medallion
308. Rustlers (1949)
  Tim Holt Western features strange Indian Head prop coin or token
309. Safety Last (1923)
  Harold Lloyd silent comedy with Barber and Mercury dimes
310. Sahara (2005)
  Confederate $20 gold coin sparks treasure hunt in Africa
311. Santa Fe (1951)
  Randolph Scott and various gambling table coins
312. Savage Splendor (1949)
  African expedition to East Africa and Belgian Congo spends local coins
313. Scarface (1932)
  Depression Prohibition gangsters and George Raft flips coins
314. Scene of the Crime (1949)
  Detectives encounter a suspect saving pennies hoping to find a rare coin
315. Screamers (1995)
  Space commander carries ancient Roman coin of Emperor Augustus
316. Scrooge (1970)
  Charles Dickens story A Christmas Carol with music, songs, and gold coins
317. Seabiscuit (2003)
  Depression era young man brings his father two silver Peace dollars
318. Secret Beyond the Door (1947)
  Wife finds husband's key to mysterious room along with some coins
319. Secrets of Bella Vista, The (2022)
  Woman inherits ranch and apple orchard and finds three rare silver bust dollars
320. Secrets of the French Police (1932)
  Paris Russian murder plot involves French franc coin
321. Sergeant Rutledge (1960)
  US Cavalry court-martial officers play cards with coins on the table
322. Serpent of the Nile (1953)
  Cleopatra shows Mark Antony a golden dancer and a chest of coins
323. 7 Faces of Dr. Lao (1964)
  A magical circus comes to an Arizona desert town with nickel five-cent fortunes
324. Seven Years in Tibet (1997)
  British India coins including ones from the time of Queen Victoria
325. Seventh Coin, The (1993)
  Fanatical collector searches Jerusalem for an ancient gold coin of King Herod
326. Shakespeare in Love (1998)
  William Shakespeare and others handle Elizabethan coins
327. Shane (1953)
  Western gunmen and ranchers play cards with dollars on the table
328. Sharks' Treasure (1975)
  Spanish sunken treasure ship, gold cob doubloon coins, and sharks
329. Sheriff of Fractured Jaw, The (1958)
  Englishman joins American Wild West poker game with silver dollars
330. Shield for Murder (1954)
  Police detective and crime suspect flip coin to decide legal issue
331. Sierra Stranger (1957)
  Miner rescues man from lynching and receives his "good luck coin"
332. Sign of Four, The (1987) (Alternate title: The Sign of the Four)
  Sherlock Holmes investigates deaths tied to a treasure and some coins
333. Silver River (1948)
  Western film with playing cards and coins on gambling table
334. Simple Twist of Fate, A (1994)
  Man's large collection of gold coins is stolen and is replaced by little girl
335. Singin' in the Rain (1952)
  Gene Kelly dances with Cyd Charisse while gangsters flip coins
336. Singing Marine, The (1937)
  US Marine becomes radio singing star with cash and coins rolling in
337. Sirocco (1951)
  Humphrey Bogart in 1925 Syria with silver piastre coins
338. Sky Full of Moon (1952)
  Modern day cowboy heads for Las Vegas and encounters coin slot machines
339. So Ends Our Night (1941)
  German political refugee in 1937 Vienna plays poker with Austrian coins
340. Soldiers Three (1951)
  British soldiers in Kipling's Victorian India hide a silver rupee
341. Solomon and Sheba (1959)
  King Solomon meets the Queen of Sheba and her gold and silver coin jewelry
342. Somewhere in Time (1980)
  Lincoln cent from 1979 sends a man back in time to 1912
343. Son of Sinbad (1955)
  Arabian Nights comedy film villians use ancient Roman coin as identification
344. Song of Freedom (1936)
  Paul Robeson becomes an African king through an ancient medallion
345. Sound of Fury, The (Try and Get Me!) (1950)
  Kidnappers encounter loose change in multiple places
346. Spring and Port Wine (1970)
  British family living in industrial town keep accounts with British coins
347. Stranger, The (1946)
  Small town professor pays for soda with half dollar coin
348. Sun Also Rises, The (1957)
  Various people visit Pamplona Spain, watch bullfights, and spend two-peseta coins
349. Sundowners, The (1960)
  Australian ranching in 1920's with English pennies used in "Two-up" game
350. Superman - Atom Man vs. Superman (1950)
  President Monroe "Magic Coin" is used to teleport people
351. Swing Time (1936)
  Fred and Ginger with "Lucky Quarter" and Queen Victoria Halfpenny
352. Tales of Hoffmann, The (1951)
  Woman pays three gold ducats for a living doll
353. Tales of Terror (1962)
  Man looking for wife's money finds a cat and a jar full of coins
354. Tall Man Riding (1955)
  Randolph Scott meets the Peso Kid and his favorite Mexican coin
355. Target For Today (1943)
  World War II American bomber crewmen leave their coins behind
356. Targets (1968)
  Boris Karloff, a sniper, United States coins, and a Canadian penny
357. That Brennan Girl (1946)
  San Francisco teen-age girl hustles sailor out of his coin watch
358. That Night in Rio (1941)
  Entertainer impersonates businessman by wearing silver dollar monicle
359. Them! (1954)
  Police investigating crimes find untouched cash and cash register with coins
360. Thief of Bagdad, The (1940)
  An Arabian Nights fantasy with a dog who can tell a good coin from a bad coin
361. Thing from Another World, The (1951)
  Arrival of flying saucer and dangerous creature interrupt card games for coins
362. Three Coins in the Fountain (1954)
  "Pennies" are mentioned but no identifiable coins appear in the film
363. Three Godfathers (1936)
  Western about three men who steal $5,000 in gold and adopt a baby
364. Throw Momma from the Train (1987)
  Modern coins and a good reason for collecting coins
365. Timbuktu (1959)
  Arab revolutionaries carry special medallion to identify themselves
366. Time After Time (1979)
  British sovereigns and guineas appear in 1979 San Francisco
367. Time Changer (2002)
  Professor from 1890 time-travels to 2001 and sells a US five-dollar gold coin
368. Time to Kill (1942)
  Detective Michael Shayne and the legendary Brasher Doubloon
369. Tintin, The Adventures of (2011)
  Animated Belgian lad and ship captain search for animated coins
370. Titanic (1997)
  Ship passenger handles Barber dime and British coins
371. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
  Indian Head cents and Lincoln cents appear
372. Toby Tyler (1960)
  Young boy runs away to join the circus and sees a silver dollar
373. Tombstone (1993)
  Western film features silver dollars and half dollars
374. Too Much, Too Soon (1958)
  Diana Barrymore resists the temptation of loose change
375. Topkapi (1964)
  Peter Ustinov tries to sell a large fake ancient coin
376. Tortilla Flat (1942)
  Monterey California Paisanos find Pirate's hoard of quarters
377. Tower of London (1939)
  Executioner Boris Karloff receives a groat in this version of the Richard III story
378. Train, The (1965)
  French Resistance uses aluminum franc coins to sabotage railroads
379. Travels with My Aunt (1972)
  Eccentric aunt and her nephew use Spanish Franco silver coin to decide travel
380. Traveltalks - Exotic Mexico (1942)
  Mexican Tehuana women of Tehuantepec wear United States gold coins
381. Treasure Island (1950)
  Pirate treasure coins including British guineas and Spanish "pieces of eight"
382. Treasure of Lost Canyon, The (1952)
  Young boy's medallion proves ownership of outlaw's treasure coins
383. Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948)
  Humphrey Bogart receives and handles a Mexican silver peso
384. Treasures of the Snow (1983)
  Swiss maid receives silver five franc coin from famous doctor
385. Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A (1945)
  Indian Head cents turn up in early 1900's Brooklyn
386. Trio - The Verger (1950)
  English church worker is fired and goes into a coin-intensive business
387. Trip to Bountiful, The (1986)
  Elderly Texas woman buys a bus ticket with Standing Liberty quarters
388. Trouble With Girls, The (1969)
  Elvis Presley's Chautauqua show with a silver dollar and a seated lion coin
389. True Grit (2010)
  Young girl finds father's unusual California gold piece
390. Twilight of Honor (1963)
  hree customers at a bar and 1960's US silver coins on the table
391. Twist of Fate (1954)
  Woman marries man who makes counterfeit British gold sovereigns
392. Under Mexicali Stars (1950)
  Rex Allen hunts smugglers of Mexican gold Centenario 50 peso coins
393. Under the Volcano (1984)
  British alcoholic in Mexico spends a "Day of the Dead" with silver coins
394. Undertow (2004)
  Wicked uncle pursues two young boys carrying cache of Mexican gold coins
395. Union Pacific (1939)
  Union Pacific Railroad token advertises Cecil B. DeMille Western
396. Untouchables, The (1987)
  Prohibition agents bring Al Capone to trial and find henchman's silver coins
397. Vacation in Reno (1946)
  Man uses mine detector to hunt buried silver coins at guest ranch
398. Voice of Bugle Ann, The (1936)
  Missouri farmer adopts a dog and makes a collar from silver dollar
399. War of the Worlds, The (1953)
  A Martian invasion of Earth with a few coins and coin rolls
400. What a Way to Go (1964)
  Woman marries four men in succession and two are involved with coins
401. When in Rome (2010)
  American girl retrieves coins from "Fountain of Love"
402. Whistler - The Return of the Whistler (1948)
  Two-headed coin decides sleeping arrangements
403. Whistling in Dixie (1942)
  Red Skelton finds 1839 United States $20 gold piece
404. White Cargo (1942)
  Sexy native woman excites men working in Africa as she wears coins
405. Wicked Lady, The (1983)
  Woman loses gold coins in card game and becomes a highwayman
406. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
  Maria Theresa thaler pays for "Golden Ticket"
407. Winchester 73 (1950)
  Western with silver dollars and an Indian peace medal
408. Winchester 73 (1967)
  Western with silver dollars, Barber quarters, and an Indian peace medal
409. Wind, The (1928)
  Two cowboys flip a Barber half dollar for Lillian Gish
410. Wind and the Lion, The (1975)
  Moroccan rebels kidnap American woman and "70,000 gold coins" change hands
411. Woman in White, The (1948)
  Victorian mansion with a coin collector, coin cabinet, and coin trays
412. Wonderful Country, The (1959)
  Western shows Mexican silver pesos or eight reales coins
413. World, the Flesh and the Devil, The (1959)
  Last man on Earth flips a half-dollar and meets the last woman
414. Yolanda and the Thief (1945)
  Confidence men and a special coin with Greta Garbo on it
415. Young Bess (1953)
  England's child King Edward VI receives gold coins from his uncle
416. Zotz! (1962)
  College professor finds that an ancient coin has magic powers