BrianRxm Coins in Movies 195/417
Png The Last Picture Show (1971)  
Texas man wears silver Peace dollar tie clip to dance
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The 1971 film "The Last Picture Show" is about several people living in an early 1950's small town in Texas. Two teenage boys, Duane Jackson (Jeff Bridges) and Sonny Crawford (Timothy Bottoms) compete for a local girl, Jacy Farrow (Cybill Shepherd).
Jacy's mother, Lois Farrow has been having an affair with a local ladies man, Abilene. At a dance Lois sees Abeline with another woman and the two ladies argue with Abeline standing between them. Abeline wears a silver dollar tie clip.
The Last Picture Show
1. Abeline with girlfriends
Lois Farrow is on the right. Abeline wears a silver dollar tie clip. The silver dollar appears to be a Peace type minted from 1921 to 1935.
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Jeff Bridges as Duane Jackson
Timothy Bottoms as Sonny Crawford
Cybill Shepherd as Jacy Farrow
Ellen Burstyn as Lois Farrow
Clu Gulager as Abilene
Director: Peter Bogdanovich
Writers: Larry McMurtry, Peter Bogdanovich, based on the 1966 novel by Larry McMurtry
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