BrianRxm Coins in Movies 410/416
Png The Wind and the Lion (1975)  
Moroccan rebels kidnap American woman and "70,000 gold coins" change hands
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The 1975 film "The Wind and the Lion" is a fictional adventure film based on a real incident which occurred in 1904 when Mulai Ahmed er Raisuni (El Raisuli), a Moroccan rebel leader, kidnapped an American man.
In the film El Raisuli (Sean Connery) kidnaps an American woman, Eden Pedecaris (Candice Bergen) and her two children William and Jennifer. El Raisuli is fighting against the Sultan Abdulaziz of Morocco and the Bashaw of Tangier.
United States President Theodore Roosevelt (Brian Keith) learns of the kidnapping and orders US Marines to perform a rescue of Mrs. Pedecaris and the children.
The Wind and the Lion
1. Raisuli and Eden Pedecaris
Raisuli treats her and her children well and her son William soon begins emulating Raisuli.
The Wind and the Lion
2. President Roosevelt talks to reporters
He makes the threat "Perdicaris Alive or Raisuli Dead!."
Soldiers from France, Germany, and the United States Marines are in Tangier and the Marines raid the Bashaw's palace.
Raisuli decices to release Eden and her children and rides with them into Tangier to turn them over to the Marines. Raisuli's relative betrays him to the Germans for "70,000 pieces of Spanish Gold."
The Wind and the Lion
3. German officer hands jug of money to betrayer
Raisuli's men ride up and throws the jar onto the ground where their horses trample the money.
The Wind and the Lion
4. Money on the ground
The "Spanish gold" is not described further but could possibly be old doubloons or eight escudo coins.
There are various coins on the ground and some do not appear to be gold-colored.
The Wind and the Lion
5. Close up of money
Some of the coins appear to be United States Morgan silver dollars.
Mrs. Pedecaris convinces the Marine captain to rescue Raisuli from the Germans.
The Wind and the Lion
6. Mrs. Pedecaris and the Marines
The Marines enter the German compound and a three-way battle occurs between the Marines, the Germans, and Raisuli's men. The Marines find Raisuli and rescue him.
President Roosevelt receives notice of the successful operation and sits next to a stuffed bear to read a message sent by Raisuli to him.
The Wind and the Lion
7. President Roosevelt and his bear
President Roosevelt reads Raisuli's message.
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Sean Connery as El Raisuli
Candice Bergen as Eden Pedecaris
Brian Keith as Theodore Roosevelt
Director: John Milius
Writers: John Milius
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