BrianRxm Coins in Movies 67/417
Png The Children's Hour (1961)  
Encased Lincoln cent from Las Vegas Binion's Horseshoe Casino
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The 1961 film "The Children's Hour" is about two women, Martha Dobie (Shirley MacLaine) and Karen Wright (Audrey Hepburn) who open a private boarding school for girls. Karen is engaged to doctor Joe Cardin.
Mary Tilford, a nasty little girl, begins telling people that Martha and Karen have an "unnatural" relationship" and parents begin removing their children forcing the women to close the school.
Mary has also been stealing items from the other girls and a maid finds some items stolen by Mary including an encased coin.
Mary confesses to making up the relationship story but the damage to the women is done.
The encased coin is in a horseshoe shaped holder from the Horseshoe Casino in Las Vegas Nevada.
The Children's Hour
1. Stolen items
The items include an eraser, a medal, a belt buckle, and an encased cent.
One of the items is an encased Lincoln cent (date unknown) in a horseshoe shaped container labeled "Joe W. Brown's Horseshoe Casino, Downtown Las Vegas, Nevada."
The Horseshoe Casino was an old casino and was actually owned by a Benny Binion who used Brown as a front.
The casino has another numismatic connection. Benny's son Ted helped run the casino and when Ted died in 1998 a hoard of several thousand silver dollars was found buried on his property.
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Shirley MacLaine as Martha Dobie
Audrey Hepburn as Karen Wright
James Garner as Joe Cardin
Karen Balkin as Mary Tilford
Director: William Wyler
Writers: John Michael Hayes, based on the 1934 play The Children's Hour by Lillian Hellman
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