BrianRxm Coins in Movies 414/417
Png The World, the Flesh and the Devil (1959)  
Last man on Earth flips a half-dollar and meets the last woman
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The 1959 film "The World, the Flesh and the Devil" is about a man who survives a world-wide extinction of life on Earth caused by nuclear radiation.
Ralph Burton (Harry Belafonte) is trapped in a mine for several days and then emerges to a world devoid of all life. He finds a car and drives it to New York City where he explores the city.
Later he meets a woman, Sarah Crandall (Inger Stevens).
At one point Ralph flips a Franklin half dollar which lands on the ground next to his boots.
The World, the Flesh and the Devil
1. Ralph Burton (Harry Belafonte) in New York
Ralph has been spending nights in an apartment and wandering around the city during the day. He flips a half dollar coin which lands on the ground.
The World, the Flesh and the Devil
2. Ralph's boots and the half dollar
The coin is a Benjamin Franklin half dollar and only the obverse appears.
A Benjamin Franklin half dollar:
United States half dollar 1950
3. United States Benjamin Franklin half dollar 1950
Silver, 30.60 mm, 12.5 gm
Ralph walks away and a pair of women's shoes appear.
The World, the Flesh and the Devil
4. Women's shoes and the half dollar
The shoes belong to Sarah Crandall (Inger Stevens) who has also somehow survived. Later the two people meet.
The World, the Flesh and the Devil
5. Sarah and Ralph meet
The pair form a partnership.
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Harry Belafonte as Ralph Burton
Inger Stevens as Sarah Crandall
Director: Ranald MacDougall
Writers: Ranald MacDougall
Based on the 1901 novel The Purple Cloud by M. P. Shiel and the story "End of the World"
by Ferdinand Reyher
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