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Png Miracle In The Rain (1956)  
Ancient Roman coin unites two New York City lovers
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The 1956 film "Miracle In The Rain" is a romantic film set during World War II in New York City. Arthur 'Art' Hugenon, a soldier stationed near the city, meets Ruth Wood, an office worker and they begin a romance shortened by his transfer to the Pacific war front and his death in combat.
During the time that they are seeing each other, they visit an auction house and Ruth buys an ancient Roman coin and gives it to Art.
After Arthur is killed in action Ruth becomes depressed and despondent. She begins spending time at a large Catholic church, specifically at the shrine of a saint. One day Arthur appears outside the church, hands her back the coin, and leaves.
The prop coin shown in the film is a Roman coin of the Emperor Vespasian (AD 69-79). It could be either a real Roman coin or more likely a copy of one.
Miracle In The Rain
1. Title
A narrator reads a prologue to the film:
Champion of all the cities of the Earth is the towering golden city of New York. It looms higher than any town of man before. Within its giant walls and steel sinews are more enterprises, more people, more mystery, and more music than were ever known before.
Its windows are like the leaves of a mighty forest, and its streets are filled with wonder. Our story begins on a spring morning in May, 1942, as the people of this remarkable city start to live and work another day.
Ruth Wood is a woman who works in an office in New York City. Her closest friend is co-worker Grace Ullman. One day outside, during a rainstorm, soldier Arthur 'Art' Hugenon introduces himself to Ruth.
Miracle In The Rain
2. Meeting in the rain
Ruth lives with her mother Agnes Wood in a small apartment and has rarely dated men. Ruth's father Harry Wood, a musician, deserted the family when Ruth was a child, causing Agnes to be suspicious of men.
Ruth tells Art about her mother but he convinces Ruth to take him to her apartment.
Miracle In The Rain
3. Art meets mother
Agnes surprisingly tolerates Art, especially after Ruth shows him a piece of music written by her father which he plays on a piano. Art asks to borrow the sheet music so that his Army songwriter friend Dixie Dooley can write lyrics to the music.
On another date Art and Ruth pass a small second-hand store which is holding an auction.
Miracle In The Rain
4. Auction store
A small crowd has gathered at the auction.
Miracle In The Rain
5. Auctioneer sells the coin
And we have here something special, a genuine Roman coin. Folks, this priceless antique was dug up from the tomb of a cruel caesar. "Titus Flavius Vespasian, Imperator" meaning emperor.
Why, folks, think of what this coin has seen if it could only talk. It would tell you the story of the Roman emperors, all of them.
Now, I'm going to offer this museum piece tonight at your own price. Now, what are my bids for this bit of fabled metal.
Ruth holds up her hand.
Miracle In The Rain
6. Ruth signals her bid
Ruth is the only bidder and buys the coin for two dollars. She then examines the coin.
Miracle In The Rain
7. Coin obverse
The coin is a Roman Sestertius, a large bronze or copper coin, and matches the coin in the reference book Roman Imperial Coins (RIC) as Vespasian number RIC-190. However this coin appears to be a copy of a real coin.
The coin's inscription reads "IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR PPP COS III" which means "Imperator Caesar Vespasian Augustus Pontifex Maximus TRibunitia Potestas Pater Patriae Consul 3."
This inscription differs from what the auctioneer and (later) the priest reads as "Titus Flavius Vespasian, Imperator."
Miracle In The Rain
8. Coin reverse
The coin reverse has the goddess Roma seated and the word "ROMA" and the letters "SC."
Miracle In The Rain
9. Grace examines coin
Grace asks "It looks quite antique, and it really does say Titus Flavius Vespatian. He was a Roman Emperor alright. I wonder if it's real? You never can tell about Roman coins. What ever made you buy it?"
Ruth answers "Well I really don't know. All of the sudden I got the strangest impulse and I just had to have it."
Ruth then gives the coin to Art who tells her that "I'm punch a hole in it and wear it around my neck as a lucky piece."
Back at the apartment, Art plays the father's song with Dixie's lyrics.
Miracle In The Rain
10. Art plays father's song
The song is "I'll Always Believe in You" and was written by Ray Heindorf, M.K. Jerome, and Ned Washington.
In the city, Art sees Ruth and tells her that his unit is being sent to the war front.
Miracle In The Rain
11. Art leaves for the war
Art shows Ruth that he is wearing the Roman coin.
Miracle In The Rain
12. Art shows the coin
Art's finger is over the top of the coin so it is not known if he has punched the hole in it which he told Ruth that he was going to do.
They kiss goodbye and both promise to write to each other.
Miracle In The Rain
13. Ruth writes to Art
Ruth writes to Art every day but for several months receives no letters from him.
Then one day a special delivery letter arrives.
Miracle In The Rain
14. Ruth receives letter
The letter is from an Army chaplain (a cleric who works with soldiers):
July 9, 1942 Dear Ruth Wood -
It is my unhappy duty to write you that your friend P.F.C. Arthur Hugenon died in battle July 6, 1942. I was with him at the end, and he spoke of you.
The last words Arthur spoke to me were "Write Ruthie and tell her I love her more that ever."
He was killed while advancing bravely against the enemy, one of the finest young men who ever gave his life for his country.
With my deepest sympathy, D. N. Robey, Lt. Col. Chaplain, U.S. Army 153rd Division
Ruth tells the people who she works with what has happened and soon becomes depressed. She and Grace take long walks in the city.
Miracle In The Rain
15. Ruth talks to Grace about going on
The ornate building in the background is the infamous Dakota Apartments.
Miracle In The Rain
16. St. Patrick's Cathedral
Although Ruth is not a Catholic, she and Grace have begun spending time at New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral, the city's primary Roman Catholic Church.
Miracle In The Rain
17. St. Andrew's shrine
Ruth becomes especially interested in the shrine dedicated to Saint Andrew, one of Christ's Apostles, and has been lighting candles dedicated to the saint.
Ruth then becomes ill with a cold and pneumonia and stays at her apartment.
The Army songwriter Dixie Dooley has had Art's song recorded and played on radio stations. Ruth's father Harry hears the song and recognizes the music that he wrote. He decides to return to his wife which he has wanted to do for a long time.
Ruth, very ill, summons enough strength to leave the apartment and head for the church.
Just after she leave, Harry (her father) appears to be welcomed by Agnes. Agnes sees Ruth missing and calls Ruth's friend Grace who heads for the church.
Outside the church, again in a rainstorm, Ruth sees Art and they have a tearful reunion.
Miracle In The Rain
18. Art appears to Ruth
Ruth asks why Art didn't write to her and he replies: "You can't send letters where there are no mailmen with little wings on their feet."
They both declare their love for each other. Art gives her back the coin which now has a chain attached.
She tells him "It's the lucky piece I gave you. A genuine Roman coin" and he tells her "You keep it now. I don't need it anymore."
Miracle In The Rain
19. Art says goodbye
He tells her "I learned something wonderful. Love never dies" and she replies "I'll always love you. Forever. Oh, Art." Art then disappears.
Miracle In The Rain
20. Ruth collapses
The a church priest finds her and sends an assistant to call for a medical ambulance.
Grace arrives and the priest notices something clenched in Ruth's hand.
Miracle In The Rain
21. The coin
Here the coin surface looks smoother and more worn than the coin shown before. It is possible that a different prop coin was used which already had a hole and a chain.
Miracle In The Rain
22. Priest reads the inscription
The priest reads the inscription as "Titus Flavius Vespasian, Imperator."
Grace then realizes how and from whom Ruth obtained the coin.
Miracle In The Rain
23. Grace ponders
She tells the priest "She gave it to him. And he must have brought it back."
Miracle In The Rain
24. Miracle in the rain
The narrator returns to end the story:
Thus, a story of New York and of an antique Roman coin. That's the way we heard it. We'd like to believe it's true.
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Jane Wyman as Ruth Wood
Van Johnson as Arthur 'Art' Hugenon
Josephine Hutchinson as Agnes Wood (Ruth's mother)
Eileen Heckart as Grace Ullman (Ruth's friend)
William Gargan as Harry Wood (Ruth's father)
Director: Rudolph Maté
Writers: Ben Hecht
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