BrianRxm Coins in Movies 389/417
Png The Trouble With Girls (1969)  
Elvis Presley's Chautauqua show with a silver dollar and a seated lion coin
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The 1969 film "The Trouble With Girls" is about a traveling Chautauqua company in 1927. Chautauqua shows were something like circuses without the flashier elements. The manager, Walter Hale (Elvis Presley), has many problems with employees and townspeople.
A couple of coins are seen in the film. A little boy shows a silver dollar to a little girl. A gambling scene with cards and cash on the table shows a prop coin.
The Trouble With Girls
1. Little boy shows little girl a silver dollar
It is hard to identify the type of silver dollar, Morgan or Peace.
The Trouble With Girls
2. Cards, cash, and coin on the table
The imitiation United States currency notes are more realistic than in most films. A prop coin sits in the center of the scene. The prop coin or token has an unusual seated lion on it.
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Elvis Presley as Walter Hale
Marlyn Mason as Charlene
Nicole Jaffe as Betty Smith
Sheree North as Nita Bix
Edward Andrews as Johnny
John Carradine as Mr. Drewcolt
Vincent Price as Mr. Morality
Director: Peter Tewksbury
Writers: Arnold Peyser, Lois Peyser
Based on the 1960 book Chautauqua by Day Keene and Dwight V. Babcock
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