BrianRxm Coins in Movies 38/417
Png Blazing Sixes (1937)  
Western gang steals gold coins from Denver mint shipments and convert to bullion
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The 1937 film "Blazing Sixes", is a Western film about a gang which robs stagecoaches carrying gold coins from the Denver Mint to banks. The gangs operate a smelter which turns the coins into bars. The gang then sells the bars.
The title of the film, "Blazing Sixes" refers to the six-shot revolver pistols known as "six-guns."
According to a newspaper front page shown in the film the time period is around 1890 and the place is in a fictional Colorado town named Greenville located west of Denver.
Two Secret Service agents are sent by Mint officials to investigate and put an end to the gang's activities.
Along the way the agents sing a few songs and court two women who have inherited a ranch.
A "Prosperity Lucky Ship Good Luck Coin" token is used to portray a gold coin.
Blazing Sixes
1. Title
The film begins with a prologue:
FOREWORD Since there has been gold, there have been those who sought it honestly and those who came by it through dishonesty. Today's city gangster is only a modern outcropping of that long-vanquished brotherhood of crime - the road agent of the pioneer west who fell before the trigger-finger of the law.
A stagecoach is held up by bandits.
Blazing Sixes
2. Stagecoach robbery
The robbers take the Denver Mint bags of gold coins to an abandoned Greenville ranch.
Blazing Sixes
3. Secret smelter
The bandits are using a smelter to melt the gold coins into gold bars.
Blazing Sixes
4. Gold coins to bullion
The chief of the bandits is Jim Hess who also runs a saloon in Greenville named the "Queen Saloon." Jim tells another bandit that he is shipping the gold bars "across the border."
A newspaper headline highlights the robberies:
Blazing Sixes
5. Newspaper headline
The newspaper headline reads:
The chief of the Denver Mint sends two Secret Service agents, Red Barton and Peewee, to the Greenville area to investigate the robberies.
Red and Peewee head for Jim Hess's Queen Saloon.
Blazing Sixes
6. The Queen Saloon
Red Barton joins the crowd in singing.
Blazing Sixes
7. Red sings in the saloon
Red and Peewee join Jim at the bar.
Blazing Sixes
8. Jim Hess, Red Barton, and Peewee
Red throws a "gold coin" onto the table.
Blazing Sixes
9. Coin on the table
The prop coin is a Prosperity Lucky Ship Good Luck Coin.
An example of the Prosperity Lucky Ship Good Luck Coin:
Prosperity Lucky Ship Good Luck Coin
10. Prosperity Lucky Ship Good Luck Coin
White metal, 30 mm, 10.38 gm
Woman standing holding cornucopia, rising sun to right
Sailing ship facing right
For more about this coin please visit: Prosperity Lucky Ship Good Luck Coin
Back to the film:
Hess picks up the coin.
Blazing Sixes
11. Hess examines the coin
Hess invites Red to his office.
Blazing Sixes
12. Hess asks about the coin
Red explains that a gambler gave him the coin and referred him to Hess. Hess tells Red that he doesn't need new employees and to "keep on moving."
Blazing Sixes
13. Keep on moving
Red and Peewee stay in Greenville however.
The picture in the background is a print of the 1884 painting "Custer's Last Fight" by Cassilly Adams. The Anheuser Busch beer company had many copies made for saloons.
The bandits stop a stagecoach carrying two women, Barbara and her Aunt Sarah. Red appears wearing a black outfit and a mask, holds the robbers at gunpoint, and takes their guns and the box of gold coins from them.
The stagecoach arrives in Greenville with the two women and later Peewee meets them.
Blazing Sixes
14. Peewee picks up Barbara and Aunt Sarah
The women tell Peewee their story of the robbery.
Red visits Jim at his office and meets other gang members.
Blazing Sixes
15. Red introduces himself to the gang
Red hands back the pistols he took from the bandits and Jim now listens to him.
Blazing Sixes
16. Jim and Red strike a bargain
Jim decides to bring Red in as a partner in the robberies and they head for the ranch.
Blazing Sixes
17. Raiders return to the ranch
The two women are the actual owners of the ranch and plan to live there. The gang decides to move their operation and smelter elsewhere.
Blazing Sixes
18. Moving the gold bars out
Red is arrested by the sheriff for the robberies and Peewee breaks him out of jail. Red and Peewee get a group of men and ride to the ranch.
At the ranch Jim and his gang encounter the women.
Blazing Sixes
19. Grabbing the girls
The gang locks the ladies in a closet and then engage in a gunfight with Red's men.
Blazing Sixes
20. Shootout
Jim's bandits are killed in the gun fight. Red rescues the two women and Jim is killed in an explosion.
The film has a happy ending with Red and Peewee and ladies.
Blazing Sixes
21. Riding and singing along the trail
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Dick Foran as Red Barton
Glenn Strange as Peewee
John Merton as Jim Hess
Helen Valkis as Barbara Morgan
Mira McKinney as Aunt Sarah
"Smoke", the Wonder Horse
Director: Noel M. Smith
Writers: John T. Neville, Anthony Coldeway
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