BrianRxm Coins in Movies 231/417
Png Men of America (1932)  
William Boyd spends a nickel at a store and fights gangsters
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The 1932 film "Men of America" is about some people living in a small rural mountain town in California. An "Old West" figure Smokey Joe runs a store which a local farmer and World War I veteran, Jim Parker, visits frequently as he likes the store's pretty clerk Anne.
William Boyd appears in this film and plays a Western character similar to his famous "Hopalong Cassidy."
During one visit Jim empties his pocket onto a table to find a nickel to pay for candy.
Men of America
1. Smokey Joe's Store
Smokey Joe Miller (Charles "Chic" Sale) is an Old West figure having fought Indians in 1887 and outlaws in 1899. In 1932 he runs a small store and post office in the rural mountain town of Paradise Valley in California.
Jim Parker (William Boyd), a World War I veteran, has moved to the town and is trying to run a farm. He visits the store frequently as he likes Smokey Joe's granddaughter and clerk Anne (Dorothy Wilson).
Men of America
2. Smokey Joe at his store
The newspaper headline reads "Country Swept by Crime."
Jim Parker visits the store.
Men of America
3. Jim Parker goes shopping
Anne is clerking but leaves and is replaced by Smokey Joe. Jim buys some candy and empties his pocket onto the table.
Men of America
4. Jim empties his pocket onto the table
He has to find a nickel to pay for the candy.
Men of America
5. A knife, some screws and washers, and a nickel
Jim puts his finger on the nickel which has the faint outlines of an "Indian Head" or "Buffalo" nickel.
A gangster named Cicero leads a gang of 1930's desperados who have robbed a bank and have arrived in California to hide out in a "hick town."
Men of America
6. The Cicero gang out west
They were able to steal $50,000 in $1,000 bills but lost the smaller bills during a shootout.
Men of America
7. Unspendable loot
The $1,000 bills can not be spent in the small town. The men begin stealing food and other items from the local residents.
The residents meet at the store.
Men of America
8. The townspeople discuss the thefts
Jim is out riding his horse when he sees a flash from a mirror.
Men of America
9. Jim spots the gang's hideout
Two gang members attempt to rob a farmer and end up killing him.
Men of America
10. Smokey Joe calls a meeting
Jim arrives and tells what he has seen. The gang sees Anne driving and stop her.
Men of America
11. Gangsters kidnap Anne
Smokey Joe calls the sheriff but is told that the sheriff is out hunting votes. The townspeople will have to solve their own crime problem. They form an Old West posse.
Men of America
12. Smokey Joe forms a posse
Smokey Joe, with his long experience and military veteran Jim are in front.
Men of America
13. The "Men of America" riding
They encounter the gangsters driving a car.
Men of America
14. Three men spot the car
The gangsters are armed with modern weapons including machine guns.
Men of America
15. Gangster with "Tommy" gun
A gunfight ensues.
Men of America
16. Jim and Smokey Joe ready
Most of the gangsters have been eliminated but Cicero is still alive.
Men of America
17. Cicero holds Anne as a hostage
Jim climbs up a hill overlooking the gang's hideout and aims a rifle.
Men of America
18. Jim aims
Jim manages to shoot Cicero and free Anne.
Men of America
19. The men gather around the dead gangster
Crime does not pay in the new west either.
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Charles "Chic" Sale as Smokey Joe Miller
William Boyd as Jim Parker
Dorothy Wilson as Anne
Ralph Ince as Cicero
Director: Ralph Ince
Writers: Samuel Ornitz, Jack Jungmeyer, Henry McCarty, Humphrey Pearson
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