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Png Serpent of the Nile (1953)  
Cleopatra shows Mark Antony a golden dancer and a chest of coins
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The 1953 film "Serpent of the Nile" is based on the story of Cleopatra and Mark Antony, the Egyptian queen and her Roman lover, set from around BC 44 to BC 30.
Early in the film when Antony and his assistant Lucilius arrive in Tarsus to meet Cleopatra, she welcomes both men with a lavish production where a "golden girl", a dancer covered with gold paint, accompanies a large chest of gold coins.
Serpent of the Nile
1. Title
The film is subtitled "The Loves of Cleopatra."
It is 44 BC and the Roman Emperor Caesar has been murdered.
Lucilius (William Lundigan), a Roman officer who worked for one of the assassins, is hired by Mark Antony (Raymond Burr) as an assistant.
Serpent of the Nile
2. Lucilius, Cytheris, Antony
The two men and Antony's current girlfriend Cytheris (Jane Easton) discuss love and politics. Antony is going to meet the Egyptian queen Cleopatra to discuss an alliance.
The two men go to the city of Tarsus to meet Cleopatra, who had previously had an affair with Caesar which produced a son.
Serpent of the Nile
3. Antony and Lucilius welcomed
The two men are greeted by women dancers with large feathered fans.
A curtain is opened revealing Cleopatra (Rhonda Fleming) herself.
Serpent of the Nile
4. Cleopatra in red white and blue
She welcomes the men.
Serpent of the Nile
5. Cleopatra talks business with Antony
Antony wants to know if Cleopatra has the money to support an alliance and she shows him the money.
A group of dancing girls bring out the treasure in a large wagon with what appears to be a gold statue of a standing woman.
Serpent of the Nile
6. Cleopatra's treasure
The girls cavort while the treasure box is rolled out.
Serpent of the Nile
7. Cleopatra's coins
The coins are prop coins of course.
The gold woman is revealed to be a live dancer.
Serpent of the Nile
8. The Golden Girl poses
The dancer is Julie Newmar who was then credited as Julie Newmeyer.
Serpent of the Nile
9. The Golden Girl dances
While the dancer performs Antony examines the coins.
Serpent of the Nile
10. Antony handles the money
Antony picks up a pile of coins.
Serpent of the Nile
11. Handling the money
Antony throws some coins onto the floor for the dancers.
Serpent of the Nile
12. Golden Girl
The golden dancer continues her performance as the other dancers scramble for the money.
Serpent of the Nile
13. Dancers in the money
Cleopatra gets Lucilius alone and they discuss Caesar whom they both knew.
Serpent of the Nile
14. Cleopatra and Lucilius remember Caesar
Later Antony and Lucilius arrive in Alexandria and are welcomed again.
Serpent of the Nile
15. Another Cleopatra welcome
This welcome is more subdued.
Serpent of the Nile
16. No golden girl this time
The bear appears to be an Asian Sun Bear.
Cleopatra and Antony have formed an alliance intending to conquer Rome and the Roman general Octavian sends an army to stop them.
Serpent of the Nile
17. Romans battle Egyptians
Octavian's army defeats the Romans.
Serpent of the Nile
18. Antony and Cleopatra discuss defeat
The Romans attack Cleopatra's palace.
Serpent of the Nile
19. Romans battering the gate
Facing capture and humilation, Antony visits Cleopatra and then kills himself.
A servant girl brings Cleopatra a box of fruit.
Serpent of the Nile
20. What's in the box?
The box has something else.
Serpent of the Nile
21. Snake in the fruit
Cleopatra picks up the snake.
Serpent of the Nile
22. The end of Cleopatra
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Rhonda Fleming as Cleopatra
Raymond Burr as Mark Antony
William Lundigan as Lucilius
Jane Easton as Cytheris
Julie Newmar (Julie Newmeyer) as the golden dancer
Director: William Castle
Writers: Robert E. Kent
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