BrianRxm Coins in Movies 54/417
Png Caddyshack (1980)  
Golf course caddy pays $1.00 for a bottle of soda and receives two quarters
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The 1980 film "Caddyshack" is a comedy about the employees, members, and guests of an exclusive golf club.
In the film "Caddyshack" is also spelled "Caddy Shack."
A caddy purchases a bottle of Coca-Cola from another caddy for $1.00 and receives two quarters in change. The quarters lay on a ticket window table and appear to be real.
1. Title
The Bushwood Country Club is an exclusive golf club. The club employs several golf caddies who are people who carry golf bags for golfers. Caddies also assist in other ways, including giving golf advice and selecting golf clubs.
The title building appears.
2. The Caddy Shack
The "caddy shack" is where the caddies hang out and are paid. Tony D'Annunzio and Danny Noonan are caddies and Danny is manning the caddy manager Lou's office.
3. Tony and Danny
Tony presents a pay card but Danny tells him "I can't pay you, Lou has to". Lou gives Danny a dollar bill and asks for a "coke" (Coca-Cola).
4. Expensive Coke
Danny gives Tony a bottle and two quarters in change which lay on a table. Tony exclaims " Hey, wait a minute, that's only 50 cents" and Danny replies "Yeah, Lou raised the price of coke. He's been losing at the track".
The quarters lay on a ticket window table and appear to be real US gray clad quarters.
One of the clubs owners is Judge Elihu Smails whose pretty niece Lacey Underall is staying with him for the summer.
5. Lacey impresses the caddies
Judge Smails orders course groundskeeper Carl Spacker to kill all of the gophers (small burrowing animals) infesting the golf course.
6. Carl goes to war
Carl accepts the mission and treats it like the America-Vietnam war where he is the American and a particular gopher is a Viet Cong. After several failed attempts Carl installs some explosive bombs near the gopher's holes.
Al Czervik is a loudmouth building contractor who is a guest of the club. Ty Webb is a sophisticated member and a playboy.
After an argument Al and Elihu agree to form teams and play golf for a large amount of money. The teams are Judge Smalls and a Dr. Beeper versus Ty Webb and Al Czervik.
7. Dr. Beeper, Judge Smails, Ty Webb, and Al Czervik make the bet
Webb and Czervik are losing and Czervik tries to drop out. He is told that he needs to find a replacement and picks Caddy Danny.
8. Danny lines up the winning shot
The ball suspensefully lands on the edge of a hole. Carl sets off his explosives sending the ball into the hole.
9. Al Czervik celebrates
The gopher has survived the attack.
10. The gopher does his victory dance
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Chevy Chase as Ty Webb
Ted Knight as Judge Elihu Smails
Rodney Dangerfield as Al Czervik
Bill Murray as Carl Spackler
Michael O'Keefe as Danny Noonan
Scott Colomby as Tony D'Annunzio
Cindy Morgan as Lacey Underall
Director: Harold Ramis
Writers: Brian Doyle-Murray, Harold Ramis, Douglas Kenney
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