BrianRxm Coins in Movies 35/417
Png Black Tuesday (1954)  
Two condemmed prisoners flip a quarter to determine who is executed first
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The 1954 film "Black Tuesday" is about two death-row convicts who acquire a gun, take hostages, and break out of prison.
Vincent Canelli and Peter Manning are about be executed on the same day for separate crimes.
Before the execution Canelli and Manning flip a coin to decide who goes first. The coin obverse "heads" appears and Canelli is to go first.
The coin is a real silver United States quarter (25 cents) dated 1942.
Black Tuesday
1. Title
The front of the prison appears.
Black Tuesday
2. The prison
The prison shown here is California's San Quentin but the state that the film is set in is not named.
A news stand with a cigar box containing coins appears along with a newspaper headline about the two men.
Black Tuesday
3. Newspaper headline
The headline reads:
Black Tuesday
4. Peter Manning and his bridge
He has spent his time building a model bridge out of toothpicks.
Black Tuesday
5. Vincent Canelli
A violent hoodlum who gets into fights with prison guards.
Black Tuesday
6. The Chair
This state uses the electric chair.
Manning wants to go first but Canelli says that they should flip a coin to decide.
Canelli asks a prison official for a coin and Manning calls out "tails".
Black Tuesday
7. Offical hands Canelli a coin
Canelli throws the coin to the floor.
Black Tuesday
8. Coin on the floor
The coin spins on the floor and then lies flat.
Black Tuesday
9. Heads
Canelli gets to go first.
The coin is a real silver United States quarter (25 cents) dated 1942.
Canelli's girlfriend Hatti and a gang member have planned an escape. The gang member, posing as a reporter, has left a gun in the execution room.
Black Tuesday
10. The escape
Canelli and Manning take several hostages and Hatti drives them to a hideout.
Black Tuesday
11. At the hideout
Manning was in on a robbery and has hidden a lot of cash.
Hatti takes him to the bank where the cash is.
Black Tuesday
12. Collecting the money
They take the cash back to the hideout.
Black Tuesday
13. The money
The bills are standard Mexican Revolution motion picture stage or prop bills.
For more information on these bills please visit: Mexican Revolution Currency Notes
The police surround the hideout and Canelli shoots one of the hostages.
Manning has had enough of Canelli's violence and shoots him.
Black Tuesday
14. Manning shoots Canelli
Manning then exits the building.
Black Tuesday
15. Manning exits
He is expecting to be shot by the police.
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Edward G. Robinson as Vincent Canelli
Peter Graves as Peter Manning
Jean Parker as Hatti
Sylvia Findley as Ellen Norris
Director: Hugo Fregonese
Writers: Sydney Boehm
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