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Png The Seventh Coin (1993)  
Collector searches Jerusalem for ancient gold coin of King Herod of Judea
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The 1993 film "The Seventh Coin" is an adventure film about two young American women visiting Jerusalem and becoming involved with a fanatical coin collector and an Arab teenager.
Emil Saber (Peter O'Toole) is a former British Army officer who has been hunting seven gold coins minted by King Herod Agrippa who was king of Judea from AD 41 to 44. Emil has six of the coins and wants the last and seventh coin.
The motion picture was filmed in Jerusalem and features many chases on the old streets and walls.
The obverse of the fictional King Herod coin is shown several times during the film and several coins appear to have been made specially for use in the film. The coin has a Roman emperor style portrait and Greek lettering.
The Seventh Coin
1. Emil Saber examines a book
Emil Saber is a former British Army officer who was stationed in Palestine in the late 1940's where he joined an archaeological excavation. The members found seven gold coins minted by King Herod Agrippa and Emil has acquired six of the coins.
Emil visits the house of Professor Walker and examines a book.
The Seventh Coin
2. The book
The book is titled Manual Dexterity, The Posthumous Confessions of a Master Forger by Pierre Garot.
The (fictional) book cover has a picture of one of the Herod coins and Emil places another coin next to it. Emil is unhappy as he had bought what he thought was the seventh coin which turned out to be one of Pierre Garot's forgeries. Emil murders Professor Walker and leaves.
Ronnie and Brenda are two young American women who are touring Jerusalem.
The Seventh Coin
3. Ronnie and Brenda
A street thief, later idenified as Salim, steals and runs off with Ronnie's camera case which contains her passport.
The Israel policeman Captain Galil (John Rhys-Davies) is investigating the murder of Professor Walker.
The Seventh Coin
4. Captain Galil and policewoman Lisa
Lisa (Ally Walker) is a young policewoman who works in the captain's office.
On her own she decides to investigate the murder and searches the professor house where she finds an old coin. Lisa takes the coin to a local coin dealer (Witman Mayo).
The Seventh Coin
5. Coin dealer shows Lisa the book
The coin dealer shows Lisa the same coin forger book and tells Lisa that her coin is a forgery.
He explains that Herod Agrippa, the Roman appointed king of Judea from about AD 41 to 44, minted seven gold coins, one for each province of Judea. The priests condemned the coins as they had a human "graven" image on them and buried them. Later people dug them up.
The dealer tells Lisa that someone has been looking for these coins since 1946 or 1947 and that one of the members of the 1947 expedition, a British Army officer named Saber, was a fanatic about King Herod and the coin and later disappeared.
The dealer continues that several people have died in connection with the coins, "You ain't dealing with no buffalo nickels here, this is the real stuff."
Lisa and a friend visit a library.
The Seventh Coin
6. Lisa and friend in the library
They look at old newspapers stored on a computer and bring up an article from 1947.
The Seventh Coin
7. Newspaper article from 1947
The Palestine Post headline reads "KING HEROD CONTROVERSY CONTINUES" and "Military Officer Disapears, Archeologist (sic) Aquitted, Dig Worker Arrested For Questioning"
Ronnie spends time in the "old town" of Jerusalem looking for the camera case thief and finds him.
The Seventh Coin
8. Ronnie and Salim
The thief is Salim, a local young man, and he offers to sell the case to her for $100 US dollars.
Salim leaves the case with his grandfather. Emil Saber and two henchmen visits the grandfather and roughly question him about the coin. Emil finds the camera case which Salim left, and examines Ronnie's passport.
Emil and his men leave and the grandfather takes the coin from a hiding place and puts it in the camera case before dying from the beating.
The Seventh Coin
9. Lieutenant Colonel Emil Saber
Emil wears his army uniform and meets with two henchmen.
Ronnie and Salim meet to exchange the $100 for the camera case, Ronnie examines the case and finds the gold coin. Salim recognizes it as having belonged to his grandfather.
Emil has become increasingly insane and now believes that he is the reincarnation of King Herod.
He and his henchmen chase Ronnie and Salim around Jerusalem and Emil catches up with Salim. He orders Salim to hand over the coin when Ronnie appears with the coin.
The Seventh Coin
10. Ronnie holds the coin
Ronnie holds up the coin giving a close look at it.
The Seventh Coin
11. The coin
The coin in the film is a fictional prop coin made for the film. Herod Agrippa did mint coins and some had his image on them but he minted no gold coins.
The coin obverse has a Roman emperor style image of King Herod facing right along with the Greek text: "ΡΩΔΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΑΕΩΣΗ" which means something like "Conquest of Rhodes."
The police now have two murders involving the coin to investigate.
The Seventh Coin
12. Officer Lisa, Officer Sammy, Captain Galil
Officer Lisa tells the captain and another policeman what she has found.
On top of an old city wall Emil has found Salim and Ronnie.
The Seventh Coin
13. Emil threatens Salim and Ronnie
The police shoot Emil who falls to the ground.
The Seventh Coin
14. The end of Emil Saber
A crowd surrounds Emil and his six coins have fallen out of his pocket.
The Seventh Coin
15. The six coins
The reverse of one coin is shown with a design.
Ronnie gives her coin to Salim.
The Seventh Coin
16. Ronnie gives the Seventh Coin to Salim
The coin is again shown.
The Seventh Coin
17. The Seventh Coin
Ronnie joins her friends and Salim, realizing that their relationship is over, goes home.
The Seventh Coin
18. Ronnie remembers her adventure
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Peter O'Toole as Emil Saber
Kay E. Kuter as Professor Walker
John Rhys-Davies as Police Captain Galil
Ally Walker as Policewoman Lisa
Alexandra Powers as Ronnie
Jill Novick as Brenda
Witman Mayo as the coin dealer
Director: Dror Soref
Writers: Howard Delman, Michael Lewis
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