BrianRxm Coins in Movies 130/417
Png Gardenia (1979) (Italian title: Gardenia, Il Giustiziere Della Mala)  
Italian gentleman gangster and restaurant owner rolls coins with fingers
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The 1979 film "Gardenia" is an Italian film originally titled "Gardenia, Il Giustiziere Della Mala" or "Gardenia the Vigilante of the Underworld".
The film is about Gardenia, a gentleman gangster and restaurant owner in Rome, who refuses to sell drugs. Two Mafia bosses try to force him into selling drugs.
Gardenia sometimes rolls coins with his fingers. The coins appear to be imitation or prop coins.
1. Title
The film begins in the restaurant.
2. Gardenia
Gardenia stands at the back and has some coins in his hand which he rolls with his fingers.
3. Coins
The top coin has a Roman style head facing left. It does not match any Italian coins of the pre-Euro period when the film was made.
Salluzzo and Caruso are two Mafia bosses.
4. Salluzzo and Caruso meet
They try rough tactics to force Gardenia to join them in selling drugs.
Gardenia's friends retaliate.
5. Gardinia at the river
He meets a couple of friends and then rolls coins some more.
6. Coin
It is hard to tell what the design is on the coin.
Salluzzo finally agrees to leave Gardenia alone and Gardenia walks home.
7. Going home
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Franco Califano as Gardenia
Martin Balsam as Salluzzo
Robert Webber as Tony Caruso
Eleonora Vallone as Regina
Director: Domenico Paolella
Writers: Teodoro Corra, Gino Capone, Augusto Caminito
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