BrianRxm Coins on Television 70/126
Png The Lone Ranger - Gentleman from Julesburg (1953)  
The Masked Man and Tonto encounter President Monroe prop coins
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The "The Lone Ranger" was a half-hour television program which ran on the ABC television network from 1949 to 1957. The program usually starred Clayton Moore as the Lone Ranger but in this episode he is portrayed by John Hart.
The program was a Western about the Lone Ranger, masked White man who rode a white horse named "Silver" and an American Indian named Tonto who roam the West fighting criminals and assisting people.
This episode is titled "Gentleman from Julesburg" and was first broadcast on June 11, 1953.
A young man is robbed of a large amount of cash. The Lone Ranger, Tonto, and a local man named Jules help him to recover the cash. There is a poker game with money on the table and Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Company President Monroe - Bird of Paradise prop coins appear.
The Lone Ranger - Gentleman from Julesburg
1. Program title
The program begins with:
"A Fiery Horse With the Speed of Light, a Cloud of Dust and a Hearty Hi-Yo Silver! The Lone Ranger!"
Jules runs a leather-working store and keeps a horse named "Apache".
Pete Stacey enters the store.
The Lone Ranger - Gentleman from Julesburg
2. Pete offers to buy Jules' horse
Pete offers $1000 for the horse, a huge price for an ordinary horse. Jules sells the horse.
The Lone Ranger - Gentleman from Julesburg
3. The Lone Ranger and Tonto in the mountains
California's highest peak, Mt. Whitney, is in the background.
They find Bill Clark injured and take him back to town.
The Lone Ranger - Gentleman from Julesburg
4. Bill Clark tells his story
Bill explains that two men held him up and took all of his money.
The sheriff examines Jules' horse.
The Lone Ranger - Gentleman from Julesburg
5. Examining the horse
The sheriff finds that it's hoofprints match ones at the crime scene and that the horse has been ridden some distance.
Jules introduces his real self.
The Lone Ranger - Gentleman from Julesburg
6. Introducing the "Gentleman"
He was the "Gentleman from Julesburg", a notorious gambler and card cheater.
The Lone Ranger - Gentleman from Julesburg
7. The Lone Ranger
California's second highest peak, Mt. Williamson, is in the background.
The two robbers are identified as Pete Stacey and a henchman named Luce. A scheme is hatched to locate where the men hid the money they stole.
Bill Clark and Jules will play poker with Pete and Luce, and when the robbers start losing (thanks to Jules) one will go to their hideout and bring back the cash.
The Lone Ranger - Gentleman from Julesburg
8. Playing poker
The sheriff watches while Jules, Pete, and Bill play cards.
The Lone Ranger - Gentleman from Julesburg
9. Money on the table
The bills are standard Mexican Revolution motion picture stage or prop bills.
For more information on these bills please visit: Mexican Revolution Currency Notes
The Lone Ranger - Gentleman from Julesburg
10. Royal flush in spades
The coins are Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Company President Monroe Motion Picture prop coins.
LARSC President Monroe prop coin
11. Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Company - President Monroe and Bird of Paradise Coin
White metal, 38 mm, 20.68 gm
Obverse: President James Monroe facing half left surrounded by circle and wreath, no text
Reverse: Bird of Paradise and man kneeling in temple surrounded by eight-pointed star, no text
Back to the program
Luce rides to the robber's cabin to get more cash and is intercepted by the Lone Ranger and Tonto.
The Lone Ranger and Tonto return with the cash and return it to Bill Clark.
The Lone Ranger - Gentleman from Julesburg
12. Problems solved
Jules is then revealed to be Bill's father.
One question remains.
The Lone Ranger - Gentleman from Julesburg
13. Who was that masked man?
Cast, Directors, Writers:
John Hart as The Lone Ranger
Jay Silverheels as Tonto
Eddy Waller as Jules
Walter Reed as Pete Stacey
Robert Neil as Bill Clark
Robert Filmer as Sheriff Martin
Nan Leslie as Kitty Martin
Director: Paul Landres
Writers: George W. Trendle, George B. Seitz Jr.
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