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Png Law & Order - Promote This (2009)  
New York suburban teenagers use Mexican coin as branding device
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This episode of the television program "Law & Order" is about an assault on an illegal Hispanic immigrant by suburban white teenagers followed by the murder of another Hispanic man.
"Law & Order" was a one-hour television program which ran on the NBC television network from 1990 to 2010 and was set in New York City and it's suburbs.
This episode is titled "Promote This" and was originally broadcast on April 29, 2009.
The teenagers, in order to broadcast an anti-immigrant message, heat a Mexican coin and use it to assault and "brand" two Hispanic men.
Law Order Promote This
1. Program title
The New York City police are called to a crime scene.
Law Order Promote This
2. Crime scene
At the site where immigrants congregate looking for work, the police find an unconscious seriously injured Honduran illegal immigrant named Oswaldo Morales and take him to a hospital.
At the hospital, the doctors notice an unusual burn mark on his cheek which appears to be the design of a Mexican coin.
The police detectives Lupo and Barnard find a pattern of broken glass and conclude that the man was inside a car and was thrown or pushed out a car window.
Some more evidence and interviews send the detectives to the suburb of Peconic and to three white high school basketball players as suspects.
The detectives head to the house of suspect Tony Stratton.
Law Order Promote This
3. Interview
The detectives talk to the woman who answers the door and who they believe is a Hispanic maid. They later find out that the lady is Mrs. Stratton, the boy's mother, who is originally from Argentina.
The police turn their evidence over to District Attorneys Michael Cutter and Connie Rubirosa.
Law Order Promote This
4. Boys at court
The three teenagers are charged with assault.
A second Hispanic victim, Ray Alvarez, is found by the police.
Law Order Promote This
5. Second victim
Ray Alvarez, a US citizen from Detroit, is found deceased with a similar Mexican coin burn mark.
The three boys are now charged with assault and murder.
One of the boys, Kyle Chase makes a deal with prosecutors to testify against the other two boys and claims not to have been along when the second man was killed.
Law Order Promote This
6. The device
Prosecutor Cutter shows the "branding" device, a metal pipe with a coin inserted in it.
Kyle states that the coin belonged to another boy who got it from his sister who brought it back from the Cancun Resort in Mexico. He then describes how the boys would use a cigarette lighter to heat up the coin.
Law Order Promote This
7. Video evidence
An expert witness shows pictures of the burn marks.
Law Order Promote This
8. Video evidence enlarged
Only the coin reverse is shown with the national emblem of Mexico. According to the scale marked "inches", the coin is about one inch in diameter.
The closest match to the coin is a Mexican 50 centavos coin minted from 1964 to 1969.
A Mexican 50 Centavos coin:
Mexico 50 centavos 1964
9. Mexico 50 centavos 1964
Copper-nickel, 25 mm, 6.5 gm
Obverse: Aztec King Cuauhtemoc facing left, CINCUENTA CENTAVOS, Mo mint, date
Reverse: Mexico national emblem, ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS
Back to the program:
The trial continues for the two remaining boys.
Law Order Promote This
10. District Attorney Cutter interviews Mrs. Stratton
During her testimony she lets slip that she taught her son that, although he was Hispanic, he is not a "peasant" like the illegal immigrants in the area..
Law Order Promote This
11. The verdict
The two boys are acquitted of the murder of Alvarez and convicted of assault of Morales.
Oswaldo Morales is still in the hospital in a coma and his mother comes from Honduras to visit him. The doctors tell her that he will not recover and she files a "do not resuscitate" order to allow her son to die.
Law Order Promote This
12. Filing new charges
The prosecutor charges the two boys with the murder of Oswaldo Morales.
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Jeremy Sisto as Detective Cyrus Lupo
Anthony Anderson as Detective Kevin Bernard
S. Epatha Merkerson as Lieutenant Anita Van Buren
Linus Roache as Assistant District Attorney Michael Cutter
Alana De La Garza as Assistant District Attorney Connie Rubirosa
Sam Waterston as District Attorney Jack McCoy
Rosa Arredondo as Juanita Stratton
Michael Drayer as Kyle Chase
Director: Michael W. Watkins
Writers: Dick Wolf, Richard Sweren, Christopher Ambrose
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