BrianRxm Coins in Movies 342/415
Png Son of Sinbad (1955)  
Arabian Nights comedy film villians use ancient Roman coin as identification
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The 1955 film "Son of Sinbad" is an Arabian Nights style comedy about the son of the legendary Sinbad who gets involved with a plan to foil an invasion of Baghdad by Tamerlane's Mongols or Tartars.
Sinbad is accompanied by Omar Khayyam who, in the film, would like to be the Khalif's court poet.
Sinbad gets involved with harem girls, scientists, and the revived "Forty Thieves."
Two villians use two pieces of an ancient Roman coin as a means of identification.
Son of Sinbad
1. Title
Omar Khayyam is looking for his friend Sinbad and visits a fortune teller.
Son of Sinbad
2. Crystal gazer
The fortune teller tells Omar that Sinbad is near the Khalif's palace. Omar heads to the palace and finds Sinbad with ropes and climbing equipment.
Sinbad manages to climb into the palace, visit the harem, romance two girls named Ameer and Nerissa, and leave. The pair are then arrested and taken inside the palace.
Inside, they meet Simon Aristides, a Greek scientist, and his daughter Kristina.
Son of Sinbad
3. Simon, Kristina, and Sinbad
Murad, an ambassador from Tamerlane's Tartars, arrives at the court and tells the Khalif to either surrender Baghdad or face total destruction from the Tartar army.
Murad then meets with Jiddah, a treacherous court official.
Son of Sinbad
4. Jiddah and Murad
Jiddah and Murad produce two pieces of a coin.
Son of Sinbad
5. The broken coin
The coins match which reveals that Jiddah is secretly working for Tamerlane.
Son of Sinbad
6. The coin match
The prop coin is a copy of an ancient Roman bronze coin of the "S C" style.
The letters "S C" is a abbreviation for "Senatus Consulto" which meant that the Roman Senate had approved the coin for use in the Roman Empire.
Son of Sinbad
7. Murad makes threats
Murad agains threatens the Khalif with the destruction of the city.
Simon arranges a demonstration of "Greek Fire", an explosive which he claims can save the city.
Son of Sinbad
8. Mixing the Greek Fire
Simon has hypnotized his daughter and under hypnosis she recites the secret formula.
Son of Sinbad
9. Demonstration
The "Greek Fire" works.
Son of Sinbad
10. The Khalif interviews Omar and Sinbad
The Khalif makes an agreement with Omar, Sinbad, and Simon, that if they can defeat the Tartars he will reward them.
Son of Sinbad
11. Kristina and Omar
Kristina, Simon's daughter, forms a relationship with Omar.
Ameer is caught releasing a messenger pigeon and is found with a tattoo of the legendary "Forty Thieves" association. Sinbad and Omar help her to escape and she tells them that the original "Forty Thieves" are gone but their female descendants have restarted the group.
Sinbad is taken to see the chief of the revived all-women "Forty Thieves."
Son of Sinbad
12. The Chief meets Sinbad
The Forty Thieves agree to help Sinbad defeat the Tartars using Simon's Greek Fire.
Sinbad always wears a silver dollar sized medal.
Son of Sinbad
13. Sinbad and his medal
The medal appears to have a mountain and the sun on it.
While waiting for the Tartars, the Forty Thieves stage a show for Sinbad and Omar.
Son of Sinbad
14. Pole dance
Ameer performs a somewhat modern dance.
Murad and the Tartars arrive, Simon, Kristina, and some of the women mix the Greek Fire, and then the Forty Thieves ride out to meet the enemy.
Son of Sinbad
15. Battle
The women use slings and arrows to send the Greek Fire to the Tartars.
Son of Sinbad
16. Explosion
The Tartars are defeated and Murad is killed.
Son of Sinbad
17. Victory discussion
The Forty Thieves want to keep Sinbad and Omar as prisoners (and for their entertainment) so that they will not reveal their hiding place.
Sinbad tells the Chief about his deal with the Khalif and that he can get the women an amnesty so that they can live openly.
The girls agree and all head for the Khalif's palace in Baghdad.
Son of Sinbad
18. Heading to Baghdad
At the palace Jiddah is revealed as a traitor and is banished from the city.
Son of Sinbad
19. The Khalif hands out rewards
The Khalif hires the Forty Thieves as bodyguards, Omar gets Kristina and a position as "Poet Plenipotentiary", and Sinbad gets some gold and another reward.
Son of Sinbad
20. Sinbad and Ameer
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Dale Robertson as Sinbad
Vincent Price as Omar Khayyam
Sally Forrest as Ameer
Mari Blanchard as Kristina
Lili St. Cyr as Nerissa
Leon Askin as Khalif
Jay Novello as Jiddah
Raymond Greenleaf as Simon Aristides
Producer: Howard Hughes
Director: Ted Tetzlaff
Writers: Jack Pollexfen, Aubrey Wisberg
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