BrianRxm Coins in Movies 341/415
Png Somewhere in Time (1980)  
Lincoln cent from 1979 sends a man back in time to 1912
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The 1980 film "Somewhere in Time" shows a 1979 US Lincoln cent.
The film is based on the novel Bid Time Return by Richard Mathieson.
The film stars Christopher Reeve as Richard Collier, a man who sees a picture of a 1912 actress (Jane Seymour) and travels back in time from 1980 to 1912 to meet her.
He later accidently handles a 1979 cent in his pocket which sends him back to the present.
Somewhere in Time
1. Richard looking at hotel history room exhibit
This fantasy film stars Christopher Reeve as Richard Collier, a modern-day (1979 playwright and Jane Seymour as Elise McKenna, a young stage actress in 1912.
Richard visits the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan to get away from his uneventful life. He wanders through the hotels "history room" containing exhibits from the past. He sees the picture of a beautiful woman on the wall and asks who she is.
She is Elise McKenna, a stage actress who appeared in a play at the hotel in 1912. Richard immediately falls in love, and decides to "will" himself back in time to 1912.
A college professor advises him to remove all connections with the present and immerse himself in things of the past. Richard buys a 1912-style suit and some 1912 money from a coin shop. He divests himself of modern items, including money.
He does go back to 1912, meets Elise, who has been apparently waiting for him. They begin a romance, but her manager gets jealous and tries to break it up.
After they meet again, he pulls something out of his pocket, a 1979 US penny, which sends him back to the present.
Sometime later, they meet again in the next world.
Somewhere in Time
2. The picture of Elise which inspires Richard
Later he is present when the photograph is taken in 1912.
Somewhere in Time
3. The coin shop where Richard buys some 1912 period money
What items he buys are not shown.
Somewhere in Time
4. Richard checks his clothes for modern items
He finds some modern coins and puts them in a closet.
Somewhere in Time
5. Richard meets Elise in 1912
Somewhere in Time
6. Richard demonstrates how things can be hidden in suits of the period
He finds something unpleasant.
Somewhere in Time
7. A 1979 Lincoln cent
Somewhere in Time
8. Richard is in shock
The modern penny breaks his connection with 1912.
Somewhere in Time
9. They meet again in the next world
The producers made an enlarged penny as a prop for the film but it was not used.
Somewhere in Time
10. DVD Extras - Enlarged penny prop
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Christopher Reeve as Richard Collier
Jane Seymour as Elise McKenna
Christopher Plummer as William Fawcett Robinson
Teresa Wright as Laura Roberts
Director: Jeannot Szwarc
Writers: Richard Matheson, Richard Matheson (novel)
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