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Png Thriller - The Remarkable Mrs. Hawk (1961)  
Greek woman runs pig farm and wears ancient Greek coin medallion
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"Thriller" was an anthology series of crime and horror stories which ran on the NBC Television network from 1960 to 1962.
The program was hosted by actor Boris Karloff who would introduce each episode. He frequently used the line "And as sure as my name is Boris Karloff, this is going to be a thriller!"
This episode is titled "The Remarkable Mrs. Hawk" and was first broadcast on Dec 18, 1961.
Mrs. Cissy Hawk (Jo Van Fleet) owns a pig farm and hires young men to work for her. Some of the men are later reported missing by relatives or friends. Ancient Greek scholar Jason Longfellow (John Carradine) finds out what she is up to.
Mrs. Hawk is originally from Greece and wears an ancient Greek coin as a medallion.
Thriller The Remarkable Mrs. Hawk
1. Mrs. Hawk wearing her medallion
The medallion coin appears to have a woman's head facing left.
Thriller The Remarkable Mrs. Hawk
2. Mrs. Hawk wearing her medallion again
A slightly better image of the medallion coin. The coin might be a copy of an ancient Greek Syracuse coin with the goddess Arethusa on it.
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Boris Karloff as Self
Jo Van Fleet as Mrs. Cissy Hawk
John Carradine as Jason Longfellow
Paul Newlan as Sheriff Tom Ulysses Willetts
Bruce Dern as Johnny Norton
Director: John Brahm
Writers: Donald S. Sanford
Based on the short story "Mrs. Hawk" by Margaret St. Clair, published in Weird Tales magazine July 1950
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