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Png Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco (1961)  
Paladin bets his last quarter on a card game
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"Have Gun Will Travel" was a half-hour television program which ran on the CBS television network from 1957 to 1963. It was a Western set in the period 1870 to 1890.
Paladin is the assumed name of a man who lives in San Francisco where he is a gentleman and man about town. He takes jobs as a hired gun man and bodyguard.
The title of the program comes from the business card which Paladin uses. The card has a chess knight logo on it and reads: "Have Gun Will Travel / Wire Paladin / San Francisco."
This episode is titled "Ben Jalisco" and was first broadcast on November 18, 1961.
At the beginning of the program Paladin is playing cards with several men and has been losing steadily. He bets his last quarter on a card and loses it.
The quarter which Paladin bets at the card game is shown and is the reverse of a US Washington quarter, which was first minted in 1932.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
1. Program title
The Hotel Carlton is Paladin's residence in the city. He has been playing cards with several gentlemen and losing steadily.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
2. Paladin's last money
Paladin holds up a quarter dollar coin and puts it on the table.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
3. Worn quarter on the table
The quarter reverse is of a US Washington quarter dollar. Washington quarters were first minted in 1932.
Paladin and the other man show their cards.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
4. Showing cards
The quarter appears here also, Paladin loses again, and leaves the game. Paladin tries to talk to a pretty woman but loses here too as she walks away from him.
Paladin's business card then appears.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
5. Paladin's business card
The card has a chess knight logo on it and reads: "Have Gun Will Travel / Wire Paladin / San Francisco" "Wire Paladin" is a telegraph address.
Paladin reads a newspaper article about a Ben Jalisco who has escaped from a Texas prison. Several years ago Paladin had captured Ben with the help of Ben's wife Lucy and Paladin believes that Jalisco is headed to a Southern California stagecoach station to kill his wife.
The next scene is in the Southern California desert with mountains in the background. The filming location is west of Lone Pine, California and the mountains are the Sierra Nevada range. The peak to the right is Mt. Whitney, California's highest mountain at 14,495 feet in elevation.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
6. Stagecoach station
A stagecoach stops at the station where there is a small restaurant.
Paladin arrives on horseback and is met by a man with a rifle.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
7. Paladin rides in
John Armstedder works at the station and Paladin talks to him about Jalisco and Lucy. Palidin tells Armstedder that Lucy didnt always have to hustle drinks in a bar and Armstedder replies that Paladin "knew her a hundred years ago" and Paladin replies "I guess it was that long ago." This may explain the coin.
Paladin carries a pistol and a rifle.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
8. Paladin's rifle
Paladin's rifle is a Martin carbine with his emblem on the stock.
Ben Jalisco then appears.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
9. Ben Jalisco
Paladin and Jalisco immediately engage in a gun fight.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
10. Paladin shoots
Paladin shoots Jalisco in the leg and Jalisco then disapppears. Paladin finds him in a cabin with Lucy.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
11. Ben and Lucy
Lucy knows that Ben is going to kill her but tells Paladin that she still loves him. Ben is very proud of his Greener shotgun and brags about how he took it from the prison guard who earlier took it from him.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
12. I still love him
Ben accuses Lucy of having had an affair with Paladin which he denies.
Jalisco decides to force Lucy to accompany him to Mexico which is a few miles away. Paladin offers to go with him.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
13. Paladin makes a threat
I'll take you, Ben, but you'll never make it. You're bleeding. You're sick. You'll make a bad mistake. And the first time you blink, I will kill you.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
14. Heading to Mexico
The three stop for water and a pair of lawmen arrive on the scene.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
15. Lawmen arriving
Another gunfight ensues and Paladin shoots Jalisco. Paladin and the lawmen offer to bury the body but Lucy waves them away.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
16. Paladin walks away
Lucy is crying over Ben.
Have Gun Will Travel - Ben Jalisco
17. Paladin rides away
The mountain in the background is Mt. Williamson, California's second highest mountain at 14,375 feet in elevation.
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Richard Boone as Paladin
Charles Bronson as Ben Jalisco
Coleen Gray as Lucy
Director: Andrew V. McLaglen
Writers: Harry Julian Fink
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