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Png The Hardy Boys - The Mystery of the Applegate Treasure (1956)  
Disney "Mickey Mouse Club" serial with cache of Spanish gold doubloons
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"The Hardy Boys - The Mystery of the Applegate Treasure" was a television serial produced by Walt Disney Productions for it's television program "The Mickey Mouse Club" in 1956. The serial consisted of 19 12-minute episodes which were broadcast daily starting on Tuesday, October 2, 1956 and ending Friday, October 26, 1956. An introduction was broadcast on Monday, October 1, 1956.
The program shows an 1808 Spanish gold doubloon several times along with a chest full of dollar-sized prop coins.
"The Mickey Mouse Club" was a children's program which ran on the ABC Television Network from 1955 to 1959 and featured young teenage performers, cartoons, newsreels, and sometimes a filmed serial. The programs were one hour long and were shown usually at 5:00 pm.
"The Hardy Boys" was a series of novels written for young people about two brothers who solve mysteries. They were published by the Stratemeyer Syndicate whose founder Edward Stratemeyer created the characters in 1927.
Stratemeyer hired writers to write his books under the fictional name Franklin W. Dixon. The Walt Disney serial is very loosely based on the novel The Tower Treasure published in 1927.
"The Hardy Boys - The Mystery of the Applegate Treasure" is about two brothers, Frank and Joe Hardy, who live with their father Fenton Hardy, a private detective, and Fenton's sister Gertrude, known as "Aunt Gertrude." The boys' mother is not mentioned at any time. Frank and Joe are approximately 14 and 12 years old.
The brothers live in the fictional town of Bayport and, from some scenes and dialog in the program, the town is located in the eastern United States. It is summer, the boys are out of school, and are bored. They would like to solve mysteries like they believe their father does, and also wish that he was home more as he works some distance away in "the city" which is not referred to by name.
Mr. Silas Applegate is an elderly man who lives in a large old house which hasn't been maintained well and is falling apart. There is a long time story about a cache of gold doubloons being located on or near the property.
Doubloons were Spanish 8 escudo gold coins minted from 1610 to 1820 in Spain and at Spanish mints in the Americas including Mexico City (Mexico), Lima (Peru), Potosi (Bolivia), Bogota (Colombia), Guatemala City (Guatemala), and Santiago (Chile). They were worth about about US 16 dollars at the time they were minted.
Mr. Applegate is regarded by the townspeople as an eccentric and most do not believe the treasure story. Ten years earlier a mob invaded the property to dig and search for the treasure and found nothing of value.
A young city boy, Perry Robinson, probably an orphan, has had a hard life and current works for Mr. Applegate. Perry, believing he is about to be arrested for theft, gives the Hardy boys a gold doubloon that he found on the property. This event starts the story.
A real Spanish 8 escudos "doubloon" gold coin of King Ferdinand VII dated 1808 is shown several times. Also shown are treasure chests full of motion picture prop coins of the Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Company President Monroe styles.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
1. Mickey Mouse Club
"The Mickey Mouse Club" logo is shown at the beginning of the television program, and after some skits, the serial chapter was shown.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
2. Title
The episode begins with scenes from the Walt Disney pirate-themed 1950 film "Treasure Island." A song is played over the scenes.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
3. Hands on pirate treasure chest
Gold doubloons and pieces of eight, handed down to Applegate. From buccaneers who fought for years for gold doubloons and pieces of eight. Handed down in a pirate's chest, the gold they sailed for east and west.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
4. Open pirate treasure chest
The treasure bright that made men fight, till none were left to bury the chest. So now the gold and pieces of eight all belong to Applegate.
The coins in the treasure chest are Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Company President Monroe prop coins. Some have the Bird of Paradise reverse and some have a single line of text. The coins with the single line of text have appeared in other films and the line is "SOUVENIR."
LARSC President Monroe prop coin
5. Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Company - President Monroe and Bird of Paradise Coin
White metal, 38 mm, 20.68 gm
Obverse: President James Monroe facing half left surrounded by circle and wreath, no text
Reverse: Bird of Paradise and man kneeling in temple surrounded by eight-pointed star, no text
Motion Picture Souvenir
6. Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Company - Souvenir Coin
This is an illustration of a dollar-size prop coin seen in this film.
The coin has a wreath and the "SOUVENIR" in the center.
Back to the program
An old house is shown and the song continues.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
7. The Old Applegate House
The chest is here but wait ... Now where are those gold doubloons and pieces of eight? Pieces of eight. Pieces of eight?
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
8. The Barn Owl
A barn owl, uncredited, living in the house attic, makes several appearances in the film.
A scene of the town of Bayport shows a quiet street.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
9. Bayport quiet street
The Hardy's receive an anonymous telephone call.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
10. Mysterious telephone call
The caller is obviously female. A femme fatale?
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
11. Frank answers the telephone while Joe and Aunt Gertrude listen
The caller is revealed to be Iola Morton, a neighbor girl, about the same age as Joe, and also interested in mysteries.
Iola claims to have been attacked near the Applegate house and the Hardy boys head out there.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
12. The Hardy Boys meet the wrench
The wrench belongs to Jackley, a plumber hired by Mr. Applegate. He will prove to be a very nasty character.
Mr. Applegate then makes his appearance.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
13. Jackley, the boys, and Perry meet Mr. Applegate
Perry is believed to have stolen some items and a policeman is coming to take him back home. He gives Joe something which he doesn't want the police to find when they search him.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
14. Perry shows Joe what he found
It is a large coin.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
15. Joe holds the coin
A coat of arms is visible on the coin.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
16. Frank and Joe examine the find
Frank handles the coin to get a good look at it.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
17. Coin obverse view
The coin reads "FERDIN VII DG HISP ET IND R 1808" or "Ferdinand VII by the Grace of God Spain and the Indies King"
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
18. Coin reverse view
The coin reads "IN UTROQ FELIX AUSPICE DEO 8 S Mo TH" or "For both sides, happiness under the auspices of God, 8 Escudos, Mexico City Mint, assayer TH"
A Spanish doubloon of the same type and year as the one in the film:
Spanish America eight escudos 1808 Mexico City
19. Spanish America gold eight escudos "doubloon" 1808, Mexico City
Gold, 36.5 mm, 27.00 gm
Head facing right
(Ferdinand VII, by the Grace of God, King of Spain and the Indies)
Crowned shield of Spain
IN UTROQ FELIX AUSPICE DEO (For both sides, happiness under the auspices of God)
8 S (8 Scudi, Latin for escudos)
Mo TH (Mexico City Mint, Assayer initials)
Back to the program:
The boys head for the local public library to identify the coin.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
20. At the library with a coin catalog
The boys have a coin catalog open to a black page with white images of old coins.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
21. Coin catalog open to different page
Now the coin catalog is open to a white page with gray images of old coins. The coins appear to be ancient coins, Roman or before. However, the boys find their coin to be a Spanish doubloon of Ferdinand VII dated 1808 which must be part of the legendary Applegate treasure.
The boys visit Mr. Applegate and he is happy to meet believers in his story as most of the town's residents don't believe it.
Mr. Applegate begins his story.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
22. Mr. Applegate explains about the gold
Colonel Nathaniel Applegate, my great-grandfather. The one who got the gold, of course, from the pirates. He fought with Andrew Jackson in the Battle of New Orleans, the War of 1812. Good heavens, what's the matter with children these days? Haven't you learned yet there's more excitement to be found in one page of real history than there is in a dozen of those comic books?
A few years before this program was filmed there were several government investigations of the comic book industry following claims that reading comic books caused juvenile delinquency.
(The gold) His, fair and square, in payment for damages by Lafitte, Jean Lafitte, the pirate. Lafitte's men burned down part of the family plantation one night and that honest pirate paid old Nathaniel 3,000 gold doubloons. They were right there in that chest, that's the way they were delivered, and that's the way great-grandfather always wanted them kept. At $30 or $40 apiece, you can imagine what they're worth today. (Jean Lafitte was a real pirate who operated in the Gulf of Mexico in the early 1800's)
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
23. Mr. Applegate shows the chest
They were stolen ten years ago. Oh, but you should have seen the people digging here then, everybody in town. Oh, they came running with their greedy shovels, like clam diggers at low tide.
No one ever found any of it, actually. For a while I thought my old gardener had taken them. He and a friend of his had stolen some things down at the rail yard once. But then the police proved he couldn't have taken my doubloons.
Mr. Applegate then states that Fenton Hardy was one of the investigators. The boys have been using Iola Morton as an "assistant detective."
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
24. Fenton Hardy, private detective
Mr. Applegate tells the boys that the barn owl in the tower has been making unusual noises. The boys ask if the owl has been screeching and Applegate replies "it's a barn owl not a screech owl."
They head into the tower and find something. Mr. Hardy receives a telephone call to come home. At the Applegate house he is joined by the others to see what they have found.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
25. The group sees something strange
Mr. Applegate's former gardener Boles has been found in the Applegate house tower.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
26. The former gardener Boles has been found
Boles is an Irish man who has been gone for several years and is now living in a rented room. The boys examinine Boles' shoes.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
27. Examining Boles shoe
The boys find something familiar, another doubloon, along with a note.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
28. Boles answers questions
Boles is questioned but gives evasive answers. The boys examine the note they found.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
29. The treasure note
I hid it in the wall - Old Applegate's treasure is in the old tower wall I didn't have time to bury the coins. I wanted to hop a freight out of town as fast Pull off the inside boards near the steps a couple feet up where they're loose in the If you don't believe story here's a real chunk Spanish gold to prove it. Now go find
The boys finally show their father and aunt their doubloon.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
30. Frank shows his father and aunt the doubloon
The doubloon gives the boys instant credibility with their parents. Aunt Gertrude performs the old test for gold.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
31. Aunt Gertrude tests the coin
Biting a gold coin is old fashioned test for purity.
Boles' landlady has seen the gold doubloon in the shoe and she races to telephone her friends. Soon another mob descends upon the Applegate house.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
32. Treasure hunters invade the Applegate house
The police manage to disperse the mob and then begin a rough search of the tower.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
33. Watchers of the search
The boys and friends watch the searchers ripping off wall coverings to expose the interiors. Unfortunately nothing is found and the searchers leave.
The boys are watching Boles to see what he does.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
34. The boys watching Boles
Apparently some comic books are all right for the boys to read.
Jackley finds Boles in his room and begins working him over.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
35. Jackley forces Boles to talk
A scene of an old railroad water tower appears.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
36. The old water tower
The boys come to the conclusion that the "tower" is the old abandoned water tower and they climb up to investigate.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
37. Climbing up the ladder
They have been followed.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
38. The boys encounter an old acquaintance
They also spot the bags of coins laying around.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
39. Bags of doubloons
Jackley slugs Frank Hardy and then begins putting the treasure coins into his jacket. Boles then appears, both men then encounter the rotten floor boards and take falls.
The coins with the single line of text "SOUVENIR" appear here also.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
40. Boles has an accident
He is covered with coins.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
41. The doubloons back in the Applegate chest
It is explained that Jackley and Boles had both been in prison, heard about the treasure, and when released headed for the Applegate house to look for it.
Hardy Boys Applegate Treasure
42. The searchers celebrate together
They sing an old pirate song.
Pieces of Eight:
"Pieces of Eight" are mentioned in the episodes but are never shown. They are Spanish silver 8 reales coins worth at the time about a US dollar.
A Spanish 8 reales silver minted in 1806:
Spanish America eight reales 1806 Mexico City
43. Spanish America silver eight reales 1806, Mexico City
Silver, 38 mm, 26.86 gm
Head facing right
Crowned shield of Spain
HISPAN ET IND REX Mo 8R T H (Mexico City Mint, Assayer initials)
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Tim Considine as Frank Hardy
Tommy Kirk as Joe Hardy
Carole Ann Campbell as Iola Morton
Florenz Ames as Silas Applegate
Russ Conway as Fenton Hardy
Sarah Selby as Aunt Gertrude
Donald MacDonald as Perry Robinson (the city boy)
Robert Foulk as Jackley (the plumber)
Arthur Shields as Boles (the ex-gardener)
Director: Charles F. Haas
Writers: Jackson Gillis, Edward Stratemeyer, Franklin W. Dixon
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