BrianRxm Coins on Television 43/126
Png Gunsmoke - He Learned About Women (1962)  
Woman wears Spanish coin with cross as a medallion and love token
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"Gunsmoke" was a television program which ran on the CBS television network from 1955 to 1975. It was a one-half hour program from 1955 to 1961 and a one-hour program from 1961 to 1975. This episode is one-hour long.
The regular characters are Matt Dillon, the Marshall or Sheriff of the town of Dodge City, Kansas. Miss Kitty Russell runs a saloon, Chester Goode and Festus Haggen are Matt's deputies, and Doc Adams is the town doctor. The show was set in the 1870's to 1880's.
This episode is titled "He Learned About Women" and was first broadcast on February 24, 1962.
Deputy Chester Goode is kidnapped by bandits and meets a woman captive Chavela. At one point she shows Chester a medallion which she wears. The medallion is supposed to be an old Spanish coin with a Christian cross on it. The coin used for the program appears to be about the size of a United States fifty cent coin.
Gunsmoke - He Learned About Women
1. Title
Nothing is going on in Dodge City so deputy Chester Goode takes saloon keeper Miss Kitty for a ride.
The pair encounter Comancheros who were people who traded with the Commanche Indians but in Western films and television shows including this one they are outlaws or bandits.
The bandits attack and Chester distracts them allowing Miss Kitty to escape.
Gunsmoke - He Learned About Women
2. The Comancheros
The bandits take Chester to their camp where he meets Solis, the bandit leader, and Chavela, a woman captive.
Gunsmoke - He Learned About Women
3. Chester and Chavela
Chavela and Chester steal horses and escape, pursued by the bandits.
The pair become friends and at one point Chavela shows Chester her medallion.
Chester asks "What is that thing that you wear around your neck?"
Gunsmoke - He Learned About Women
4. Chester examines Chavela's coin
A Gypsy woman gave me that when I was a little girl. It's a Spanish coin stamped with a Christian cross. Gypsy women give it to the man they love.
Solis and the bandits arrive:
Gunsmoke - He Learned About Women
5. Solis confronts Chavela
Chavela agrees to rejoin the bandits if they let Chester go.
Back in Dodge City, Marshall Matt Dillon talks to Chester.
Gunsmoke - He Learned About Women
6. Matt Dillon finds the coin
Chester tells him that it was the medal that she wore around her neck and that Gypsy women give them to men that they love.
Matt tells Chester that it was in his shirt pocket and that she must have put it there.
Gunsmoke - He Learned About Women
7. Chester remembers
Cast, Directors, Writers:
James Arness as Matt Dillon
Amanda Blake as Kitty Russell
Dennis Weaver as Chester Goode
Milburn Stone as Doc Adams
Barbara Luna as Chavela
Claude Akins as Solis
Director: Tay Garnett
Writers: John Meston, John Rosser, Norman MacDonnell
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