BrianRxm Coins in Movies 344/415
Png The Sound of Fury (1950)  
Kidnappers encounter loose change in multiple places
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The 1950 film "The Sound of Fury" (also titled "Try and Get Me!") is a crime film about two men, Jerry Slocum (Lloyd Bridges) and Howard Tyler (Frank Lovejoy), who join together to commit robberies and then the kidnapping and murder of a wealthy young man.
After the robberies begin a crime reporter Gil Stanton (Richard Carlson) begins writing a series of alarmist articles about "crime waves." After the kidnapping he writes more articles suggesting that the two men may be acquitted.
Howard gives his son Tommy a half-dollar, later visits a bowling establishment and gets change for a beer, Jerry tosses a coin to the bowling "pin boy", and a newspaper sales stand has a saucer full of coins.
The Sound of Fury
1. Howard returns home from work
Howard Tyler has been unemployed for some time but pretends to be working to avoid causing his wife distress. He comes home and gives his son Tommy a half-dollar.
The Sound of Fury
2. Howard hands son a half-dollar
Howard's wife Judy Tyler (Kathleen Ryan) complains about the extravagant gift.
The Sound of Fury
3. Fifty cents!
Tommy is happy and leaves to spend his coin.
Howard visits a bowling establishment's coffee shop and orders a beer. The waiter sells him a more expensive beer which he pays for and receives change.
The Sound of Fury
4. Howard receives change
The waiter gives him a coin in change.
Howard wanders into the bowling lanes where the fateful meeting takes place.
The Sound of Fury
5. Jerry Slocum bowls
Howard Tyler is watching Jerry knock down all of the pins. Jerry then throws a coin down the lane to the "pin boy."
The Sound of Fury
6. Jerry throws a coin
Bowling "pin boys" would clear and set up the bowling pins. They have been replaced by machines.
The Sound of Fury
7. Jerry and Howard discuss life
Howard meets Jerry Slocum and they discover that they have some things in common. Howard tells Jerry about himself and Jerry suggests that Howard join him in holding up service stations and stores.
They then commit a couple of robberies resulting in press attention. Gil Stanton is a newspaper reporter and Dr. Vido Simone (Renzo Cesana) is a visiting Italian scientist.
The Sound of Fury
8. Gil Stanton and Dr. Vido Simone visit crime scene
Gil then writes a newspaper article warning about a "crime wave" by professional gunmen which gives Jerry a laugh.
Jerry proposes kidnapping Donald Miller, a wealthy young man. Howard joins Jerry.
The Sound of Fury
9. Jerry kidnaps Donald Miller
The kidnappers tie up Donald and then Jerry pounds Donald's head with a rock, killing him. The pair visit a lunch counter where they write out a ransom note.
The Sound of Fury
10. Howard and Jerry at early 1950's lunch counter
The lunch counter has a coin-operated "jukebox" record playing terminal.
Howard did not expect to be involved in a murder and becomes depressed.
Jerry takes Howard to meet his girlfriend Velma (Adele Jergens) and her girlfriend Hazel (Katherine Locke) becomes Howard's date.
The Sound of Fury
11. Howard and Hazel and Velma and Jerry
The four go to a nightclub and then go driving around. Howard uses a stop to mail the ransom note.
The Sound of Fury
12. Newspaper stand with change bowl
The newspaper sales stand has a saucer full of loose change. The top paper has a headline "Donald Miller Car Found."
Howard buys a newspaper and then he and Hazel go to her apartment. Hazel shows him the headline and asks him how someone could be so wicked. Howard, who has been drinking, confesses his part in the kidnapping.
The Sound of Fury
13. Howard confesses
Hazel runs away and then informs the police.
Howard's wife is at home when the police arrive.
The Sound of Fury
14. Crowd at the Tyler house
The police find and arrest Howard and later they arrest Jerry.
The two girlfriends discover that they have become celebrities.
The Sound of Fury
15. The girls getting their fame
Velma is excited but Hazel is unhappy to find that she was interested in a married man.
Reporter Gil Stanton writes another alarmist article.
The Sound of Fury
16. Alarming headline
"Brutal Kidnap Murder May Go Unpunished" and "Miller Killers May Plead Insanity."
The two men are being held at the same jail.
The Sound of Fury
17. Jerry in jail
Jerry is excited about something.
The Sound of Fury
18. Howard in jail
Howard is just unhappy.
A mob forms in front of the jail.
The Sound of Fury
19. The mob forms
The police go into a defensive mode ready to defend the jail.
The Sound of Fury
20. College boys at the front
Some college boys are at the front of the mob.
Some people have brought ropes.
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Lloyd Bridges as Jerry Slocum
Frank Lovejoy as Howard Tyler
Kathleen Ryan as Judy Tyler
Richard Carlson as Gil Stanton
Renzo Cesana as Dr. Vido Simone
Adele Jergens as Velma
Katherine Locke as Hazel
Director: Cy Endfield
Writers: Jo Pagano
Based on the 1947 novel The Condemned by Jo Pagano which was based on an actual incident
which occurred in November 1933 in San Jose, California.
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