BrianRxm Coins in Movies 327/415
Png Sharks' Treasure (1975)  
Spanish sunken treasure ship, gold cob doubloon coins, and sharks
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The 1975 film "Sharks' Treasure" is about a hunt for a Spanish treasure shipwreck in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Honduras. Jim Carnahan owns a small ship and was known for locating a Spanish treasure ship. A young man Ron Walker, shows Jim a Spanish gold doubloon and tells him that he found it and evidence of a shipwreck off the coast of Honduras.
The two men hire two divers and the crew of four set out to find the underwater treasure. After locating some items from the shipwreck, their ship is boarded by pirates who order the men to continue bringing up treasure.
The film was produced, written, and directed by 1940's film actor Cornel Wilde who portrayed the captain.
Spanish gold doubloons of the "cob" type are shown throughout the film. These are most likely prop coins or imitation doubloons which are readily available.
They are called "cob" coins because they were crudely made by chopping pieces of gold off the ends of gold bars which were then struck by coin dies. A Spanish word for "end" was "cabo" which became "cob" in English.
Sharks' Treasure
1. Title
Ron Walker approaches Jim Carnahan, the owner and captain of the ship "Moby." Carnahan was in the news previously for locating a Spanish treasure ship
Sharks' Treasure
2. Ron talks to Jim
Ron shows Jim a gold doubloon and tells him that he found it while diving off the coast of Honduras.
Sharks' Treasure
3. Ron shows gold coin
Jim borrows the coin and takes it to the local library.
Sharks' Treasure
4. Jim at the library
The librarian sits in back with a sign which reads "QUIET."
Jim is looking at a numismatic and shipwreck references and finds the coin in one.
Sharks' Treasure
5. Jim finds coin in book
He compares the coin with an illustration and they match.
Sharks' Treasure
6. It's a match
Jim and Ron decide to search for the shipwreck and hire two more divers, Ben Flynn and Larry Hicks.
Sharks' Treasure
7. At the bar
The four visit a local bar where the proprietor asks them if they can take five men on a trip. Jim turns him down and is later informed by a local policeman that five escaped convicts are in the area.
The proprietor's pretty daughter seduces Ron and who tells her where they are headed. She tells her father who is related to one of the convicts, the convicts then get a boat and follow Jim's ship.
Jim's crew arrive at the area and begin diving.
Sharks' Treasure
8. Three divers
The divers find evidence of a Spanish shipwwreck. They also find lots of sharks.
Sharks' Treasure
9. An anchor
The metal items have survived being under the ocean for hundreds of years.
Sharks' Treasure
10. A cannon
A diver then locates a gold coin.
Sharks' Treasure
11. Finds coin
The divers bring down a device like a large vacumn cleaner and start finding items which they load into a basket.
Sharks' Treasure
12. Loading basket
On board the ship, the men break up rocks to extract the coins.
Sharks' Treasure
13. Breaking rocks
The men accumulate some treasure.
Sharks' Treasure
14. Treasure
Besides coins, they find some gold ingots and round gold plates.
Sharks' Treasure
15. Coins and gold ingots
While the men are in the water the pirates arrive and board the ship. When the men return the pirates appear.
Sharks' Treasure
16. The pirates appear
There are five pirates.
Sharks' Treasure
17. Pirates five
The five pirates are Ishi, Pablo, Lobo (seated on the right), Juanito (lying down), and Kook (only partly visible on the right).
Lobo keeps the young blonde man, Juanito, as a boyfriend and sometimes beats him.
The pirates hold the crewmen hostage and send some of them back to diving for treasure. On the ship, Larry attacks one of the pirates and is stabbed. The pirates throw him into the water where he is attacked and killed by sharks.
Sharks' Treasure
18. More treasure
Lobo whips Juanito and Jim manages to suggest to Juanito that if he helps the three remaining crewmen escape on a rubber boat they will take him with them.
Jim is able to connect a hose from the engine exhaust to the pirate's room causing them to fall asleep.
Sharks' Treasure
19. Sleepy pirates
The four men get into the rubber boat with the gold coins and paddle away.
Sharks' Treasure
20. Jim, Ron, Ben, and Juanito escape
The pirates wake up and also set out in the wooden boat which they came in.
Sharks' Treasure
21. Lobo and the pirates chasing
Jim's boat is capsized by a whale shark sending the treasure back into the ocean.
Both boats land on the shore and after some gunfights the pirates are eliminated and the three original crewmen head back to the ship.
Sharks' Treasure
22. Jim mentions another Spanish ship in the area
Jim tells the other two that he found out that the Spanish ship which they found was accompanied by another treasure ship and suggests that they go back and search for the second ship.
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Cornel Wilde as Jim Carnahan
John Neilson as Ron Walker
Yaphet Kotto as Ben Flynn
David Canary as Larry Hicks
Cliff Osmond as Lobo
David Gilliam as Juanito (Lobo's boy)
Director: Cornel Wilde
Writers: Cornel Wilde
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