BrianRxm Coins in Movies 314/415
Png Screamers (1995)  
Space commander carries ancient Roman coin of Emperor Augustus
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The 1995 film "Screamers" is a science fiction set in the near future on a distant planet where humans, mostly soldiers, battle robots called "screamers."
The screamers resemble humans which they are programmed to kill. The humans left on the planet are the remnants of two armies which now have a truce. Joseph Hendricksson (Peter Weller) is the commander of the humans.
Early in the film Joseph Hendricksson holds an ancient Roman coin with the image of a Sphinx and the lettering "AVGVSTVS" on it.
1. Sirius 6B landscape
The planet Sirius 6B once had a mining industry but that has closed.
A soldier, Chuck Elbarak, brings a message cannister to Commander Hendricksson.
2. Message in a cannister
Chuck Elbarak reports to Commander Hendricksson who is holding an ancient coin.
3. Commander Hendricksson holds ancient Roman coin
The coin reverse is shown with a Sphinx and the lettering "AVGVSTVS." It is a cistophoric tetradrachm of Pergamon with the Roman Emperor Augustus on it. These coins were struck in Asia Minor (now Turkey) from around BC 27 to 18.
4. Hendricksson examines coin
Hendricksson uses a loupe to examine the coin.
5. Chuck Elbarak reports
Hendricksson asks "What the hell do you want, Chuck?" and Elbarak replies: "If you manage to tear your eyeball away from that coin, I'll tell you."
Hendricksson replies: "Happens to be the portrait of a sphinx, Chuck." "It belonged to Augustus Caesar, the first great emperor of the world."
Later some soldiers go out on a patrol to the remains of a mine.
6. Into the snow
The soldiers kill a screamer and find something on him.
7. The screamer's tags
Two screamer's manufacturer tags are shown with both sides appearing.
After more battles where Hendricksson's men are killed he is left with a civilian woman named Jessica.
8. Hendricksson meets Jessica
The pair form a relationship once Jessica cuts herself proving that she is not a robot screamer.
They find a small escape spacecraft with one seat. Being a gentleman Hendricksson offers Jessica the seat.
9. Hendricksson offers Jessica the seat
She refuses directly and Hendricksson pulls out his Augustus coin and suggests flipping it.
10. Hendricksson's coin obverse and reverse
Hendricksson shows the coin obverse first with the Emperor Augustus and then the reverse.
This coin does not look exactly like the coin shown previously. It may have been manufactured for the film to avoid damaging the real coin.
The coin falls to the ground.
11. Falling coin's obverse and reverse
The falling coin is a different coin with a "Saint George and the Dragon" obverse and an unknown reverse.
A second "Jessica" appears.
12. Second Jessica appears
Hendricksson realizes that his Jessica is an improved screamer which can bleed. The two Jessicas fight over Hendricksson and both die.
13. Hendricksson's Jessica
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Peter Weller as Commander Joseph A. Hendricksson
Ron White as Lieutenant Commander Chuck Elbarak
Jennifer Rubin as Jessica Hansen
Andrew Lauer as Private Michael "Ace" Jefferson
Charles Powell as Private Ross
Director: Christian Duguay
Writers: Dan O'Bannon, Miguel Tejada-Flores
Based on the 1953 short story "Second Variety" by Philip K. Dick
Note: Peter Weller, the star of "Screamers", has a Ph.D. degree from UCLA in Italian Art History. He is a collector of ancient coins and once owned a Roman Eid Mar denarius. It is possible that the ancient coin shown in the film belonged to him.
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