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Png Local Hero (1983)  
American executive visits Scotland and learns that one needs coins to call home
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The 1983 film "Local Hero" is a comedy about an American oil company executive headquartered in Houston Texas who is sent to Western Scotland to purchase an entire town for conversion to an oil refinery. The executive becomes involved with the townspeople and his experiences change his life.
The town has limited communication facilities and to telephone people one must use a pay telephone. Every time the American has to call Texas he asks residents for coins to pay for the calls.
A local man who owns a boat and is expecting money gives a numismatic name to his boat.
Local Hero
1. Mac drives to work
Mac MacIntyre (Peter Riegert) is an up and coming employee of the Knox Oil and Gas Company located in Houston Texas. He is summoned to meet with the company president.
Local Hero
2. Mac reports to the head office
The receptionist sends him to the office.
Local Hero
3. Mac sees Mr. Happer
Felix Happer (Burt Lancaster) is the president of the company. He is sending Mac to Scotland to arrange for the purchase of the town of Ferness for conversion to an oil refinery.
Mr. Happer believes that Mac is Scottish and can relate to the natives (Mac is actually Hungarian).
Mr. Happer is also an amateur astronomer and he asks Mac to "watch the skies" and to telephone him if he sees anything unusual.
Mac arrives in Scotland and is met by Danny Oldsen (Peter Capaldi), a local company employee, who takes him to the Scottish town of Ferness.
Local Hero
4. The Town of Ferness
Mac and Danny check into the only hotel and Mac decides to call Texas. He learns that the only outside telephone is a pay telephone in an outdoor booth which takes English ten pence coins. Mac goes into the pub and asks for change.
Local Hero
5. Getting change for the telephone
Danny holds a currency note and some coins are stacked on a table.
Many people in the town are looking forward to the sale as they expect to get rich. One man decides to celebrate by painting a new name on his boat.
Local Hero
6. New name for the boat
The "Silver Dollar" is an American coin never used in England or Scotland.
Danny and Mac visit an oceanographic laboratory and meet Marina (Jenny Seagrove), a young woman working there as a diver and ocean expert. One man states that "she has five degrees."
Local Hero
7. Danny meets Marina
Danny is not impressed by her academic achievements but for more traditional reasons. He starts arranging his schedule to be near her.
Local Hero
8. Marina and Danny watch the skies
The town is far enough north for the "Northern Lights" to appear.
Local Hero
9. Mac watches the skies
Mac is watching the light show and remembers Mr. Happer's request. He vists the pub to get the necessary change for the telephone.
Local Hero
10. Mac needs more telephone change
Pub patrons open a cash box and hand him the coins.
Local Hero
11. Emptying the change box
And more coins are handed to Mac.
Local Hero
12. Mac phones Mr. Happer
Mac describes the lights to Mr. Happer.
Local Hero
13. Mr. Happer takes Mac's report
Mac also tells Mr. Happer that one town resident, Ben Knox, owns the beach and refuses to sell it to the oil company.
Mr. Happer flies to Scotland and to the town.
Local Hero
14. Mr. Happer meets Ben Knox
The two men become friends and Mr. Happer decides not to build the refinery but to finance an astronomical observatory and an oceanographic laboratory (something Marina wanted).
Local Hero
15. The town remains the same
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Peter Riegert as "Mac" MacIntyre
Burt Lancaster as Felix Happer
Jenny Seagrove as Marina
Fulton Mackay as Ben Knox
Peter Capaldi as Danny Oldsen
Director: Bill Forsyth
Writers: Bill Forsyth
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