BrianRxm Coins in Movies 177/415
Png Johnny Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1944)  
Gremlin and Buffalo Nickel interfere with a young woman's fate
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The 1944 film "Johnny Doesn't Live Here Anymore" is a comedy about a young woman named Kathie from Quebec Canada who travels to a United States town to work in an aircraft plant.
While on the train she spills some salt which is good for "seven weeks of bad luck." She is followed by a Gremlin named Rumpelstilzken who ensures that she gets her "bad luck."
Places to stay are scarce in the town and she ends up in apartment belonging to a man who has left to join the US Marines. Unknown to her, he has given keys to the apartment to friends and strangers, and the lady is always finding strange visitors in her place.
At one point two sailors who are interested in her flip a coin for her. The coin they flip is a US Indian Head or Buffalo nickel (five cents coin).
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
1. Title
Kathie Aumont is a French-Canadian girl from Quebec whose American girlfriend Sally has arranged a job for her in an aircraft factory. Kathie also plans to move in with Sally.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
2. Kathie on train
Kathie reads a magazine which has an article about Gremlins.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
3. The Gremlin
The article gives a description of Gremlins and a specific "bad luck" Gremlin named Rumpelstilzken.
The Gremlins are little people who live somewhere above the clouds. They spend most of their time annoying aviators but occasionally one of them comes down to Earth and settles upon a poor pedestrian.
Watch out for the little fellow pictured above. Once he gets on your trail he will follow you to the ends of the earth. So if you want to avoid bad luck keep clear of Rumpelstilzken.
Kathie knocks over a salt shaker spilling some salt on the floor.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
4. The Gremlin introduces himself
The Gremlin produces his business card.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
5. His card
B. O. Rumpelstilzken Licensed Gremlin
Kathie arrives at Betty's apartment and is soon met by Betty and her new husband.
Kathie has to find a new place to live and after an all-day search meets a man named Johnny who is leaving for a US Marine Corps training camp and he rents her his apartment.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
6. Johnny says goodbye
Johnny hasn't told Kathie that he has given out several door keys to friends and strangers.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
7. Calendar
Kathie crosses off April 13, 1944 on a wall calendar.
The Gremlin turns off her alarm clock causing her to get to the aircraft plant late.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
8. Aircraft plant
The photograph is of the Lockheed Aircraft Factory in Burbank, California. They are manufacturing P-38 fighter airplanes.
One time two sailors turn up at the apartment.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
9. Sailors Mike and Jack
Both men follow Kathie around until she gets into a car with an owner's plate marked "BG."
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
10. Mr. BG
Mr. "BG" is Mr. B. Graves, an undertaker.
Kathie leaves the car, locates her two sailors, and the three head for a nightclub.
The two men decide to flip a coin for Kathie.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
11. Mike and Jack flip for Kathie
Mike calls "tails" (coin reverse up).
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
12. Coin flying
The coin spins around and has the appearance of a Buffalo nickel.
It lands "heads" (coin obverse up) up but the Gremlin appears to fix things.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
13. Gremlin flips the coin over
The coin is now definitely an Indian Head or Buffalo nickel.
The coin in the film is a large prop coin made so that the actor can appear with it.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
14. Gremlin work is done
The coin is now "tails" (coin reverse up) and Mike gets the girl.
An Indian Head or Buffalo nickel five cent coin:
United States 5 cents 1936-S
15. Indian Head or Buffalo nickel 1936-S
Indian Head nickels were made from 1913 to 1937.
Johnny gets a short leave from the Marines and heads back to his apartment. On the way he buys Kathie a Gremlin doll.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
16. Gremlin doll
Another arrival is a US Navy Chief Petty Officer named Jeff Daniels.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
17. The Chief arrives
Chief Daniels has a 48-hour leave to spend with his wife and he "buys" an apartment key from sailor Jack. He arrives at the apartment and finds Kathie.
Soon several of the men with keys arrive including the two sailors. A brawl ensues and the police are called. They take everyone to the night court.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
18. Night Court
A woman resident of the apartment building recounts what she has witnessed followed by the people involved in the brawl. The final witness is Kathie.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
19. The judge questions Kathie
The "seven weeks of bad luck" are over and the Gremlin leaves Kathie to her fate.
Johnny Doesnt Live Here Anymore
20. Five years later
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Simone Simon as Kathie Aumont
Jerry Maren as the Gremlin
William Terry as Johnny Moore
James Ellison as Mike Burke
Chick Chandler as Jack
Director: Joe May
Writers: Philip Yordan, John H. Kafka, Alice Means Reeve
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