BrianRxm Coins in Movies 165/415
Png Hot Summer Night (1957)  
Newspaper reporter visits notorious bank robber and his hoard of quarter rolls
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The 1957 film "Hot Summer Night" is a crime film set in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri.
Newspaper reporter William Partain (Leslie Nielsen) and his wife Irene (Colleen Miller) are on their honeymoon in the mountains. William hears about a bank robbery commited by notorious local criminal Tom Ellis (Robert J. Wilke) and figures that interviewing Ellis would make a good newspaper story.
William finds Ellis with his gang but one gang member becomes angry and shoots and kills Ellis. The remaining gang members decide to keep Partain as a hostage and try to collect a ransom of $50,000 from a newspaper.
During the bank robbery one of the gang stole some bags of quarter (25 cent) coin rolls. The coin rolls appear several times lying on a table. Tom Ellis's girlfriend keeps a large "piggy bank" which she throws to the ground revealing cash and various coins.
Hot Summer Night
1. Policeman shows William newspaper
The newspaper headline is: "Tom Ellis and Gang Disappear in Ozark Foothills; Believed to Be in Chatsburg Area."
There is another small unrelated article: "Mercury New X-Ray Source Two Scientists Report, Berkeley, Cal N.P" "Discovery that Mercury ia new source for X-rays was reported today at the University of California"
William had once worked for a Kansas City newspaper and interviewed Ruth Childers, a sometime girlfriend of Tom Ellis.
William and Irene drive to the (fictional) town of Chatsburg and visit a bar where William asks for Ruth's address. They are met by Kermit.
Hot Summer Night
2. William and Irene meet Kermit
Kermit starts a fight with William and the local sheriff's deputy Lou Follett talks to the couple.
William does find Ruth and visits her.
Hot Summer Night
3. Cadillac for Ruth
Ruth has a "piggy bank" with the legend "Cadillac for Ruth" indicating that she is saving money to purchase an expensive car. The piggy bank will appear again.
Kermit contacts William and tells him that Tom Ellis, who likes publicity, would like to meet him. Kermit takes William to the house where Tom and his gang are living.
Hot Summer Night
4. Meeting the gang
Several rolls of coins appear lying on a table.
Hot Summer Night
5. Tom talks about Elly
Tom describes another gang member, Elly Horn as incompetent because at the bank robbery he took two bags of quarter coin rolls and left the more valuable paper money.
William begins interviewing Tom who has been described as a local "Robin Hood", leaving money and food for poor residents.
Hot Summer Night
6. Tom relating his deeds
Tom brags about he is a big man in the area and Elly becomes angry.
Hot Summer Night
7. Elly gets fed up
Elly pulls out a gun and shoots Tom in the back and also shoots Kermit. The remaining gang members, lead by Elly, decide to hold William for a $50,000 ransom.
They believe that the newspaper William used to work for will pay the ransom and dictate a ransom note which another member, Oren Kobble, will deliver to the Kansas City newspaper.
Hot Summer Night
8. Oren and Elly dictate ransom note
Oren delivers the ransom note to the newspaper office. The note instructs the newspaper to post a coded advertisement.
Irene, left alone by her husband at a hotel in Chatsburg, starts looking for her husband and learns of the kidnapping. She visits Ruth and then Kermit, still alive but wounded, visits Ruth. Ruth becomes upset.
Hot Summer Night
9. Ruth gets her piggy bank
She throws it on the floor and it breaks revealing cash and coins.
Hot Summer Night
10. Piggy bank contents
Various prop currency notes and coins are on the floor.
Hot Summer Night
11. Piggy bank contents
A close-up of the pile of coins which appear to be standard motion picture prop coins.
The gang members wait for the newspaper delivery to see if the advertisement appears which it does.
Hot Summer Night
12. Newspaper with ransom advertisement
The newspaper lies on a table along with some magazines, loose coins, and the coin rolls.
Hot Summer Night
13. Orin and Elly talk
Orin and Elly argue about collecting the ransom.
Hot Summer Night
14. William handles a coin roll
He has been looking at the coin rolls and gets an idea.
Hot Summer Night
15. William's last chance
William slugs Oren who runs into the other room and the surprised Elly shoots him.
Hot Summer Night
16. Elly shoots first
A gun battle ensues between Oren and Elly and then Elly and William.
Hot Summer Night
17. Elly and William
William runs outside and is shot by Elly. The deputy and Irene arrive and the deputy shoots Elly.
Hot Summer Night
18. William and Irene
The town holds a funeral parade for their famous son.
Hot Summer Night
19. Funeral parade for local hero
William and Irene watch the parade.
Hot Summer Night
20. Deputy Follett has the last word
Deputy Follett expresses the hope that the town can improve it's reputation.
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Leslie Nielsen as William Partain
Colleen Miller as Irene
Robert J. Wilke as Tom Ellis
Marianne Stewart as Ruth Childers
James Best as Kermit
Edward Andrews as Lou Follett
Paul Richards as Elly Horn
Jay C. Flippen as Oren Kobble
Director: David Friedkin
Writers: Morton Fine, David Friedkin, Edwin P. Hicks
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