BrianRxm Coins in Movies 116/415
Png Flamingo Road (1949)  
Woman arrives in small Southern town and gives local politican two nickels
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The 1949 film "Flamingo Road" is a drama about a woman who arrives in a small Southern town and manages to cause a lot of trouble. The town political boss tries to kick her out of town but that just makes her angry. She marries one of his political opponents and eventually has a showdown with the boss.
At one time her wealthy boyfriend can not produce two nickel five cent coins to purchase sodas from a vending machine. She gives him two Jefferson nickels which are shown in close-up in the film.
The film opens with a prologue taken from the first page of the book:
There's a Flamingo Road in every town. It is the street of social success, the avenue of achievement, the golden goal for all who struggle and aspire to reach the top -- and sometimes find that from the top there's no other place to go.
And so in Bolden City, a small town with people of big dreams, their Flamingo Road has touched them all with ambition.
The first scene shown is of a travelling carnival:
Flamingo Road
1. The Coyne Traveling Carnival
The Coyne (coin?) travelling carnival has stopped near the town of Boldon City located in an unnamed Southern state. Lane Bellamy (Joan Crawford) is a dancer with the carnival.
Flamingo Road
2. Burlesque as you like it
Lane dances with two other girls. The carnival closes leaving Lane unemployed and homeless.
Fielding Carlisle (Zachary Scott), a wealthy local man serving as an assistant to the town's political boss Sheriff Titus Semple (Sydney Greenstreet). Fielding is sent to check out the carnival site and finds Lane sleeping in an abandoned tent.
Flamingo Road
3. Lane Bellamy
The two talk and Fielding is impressed with Lane.
Flamingo Road
4. Fielding and Lane
Fielding takes her to a local restaurant.
Flamingo Road
5. Lane wearing her coin bracelet
Lane wears a bracelet made of connected coins. Fielding arranges a job for Lane as a waitress for the restaurant.
Fielding has been seeing Annabelle Weldon (Virginia Huston), a local girl whom he is planning to marry.
Flamingo Road
6. Fielding and Annabelle
Titus Semple finds out about his assistant Fielding seeing Lane Bellamy and orders him to marry Annabelle right away which he does.
Titus does not want Lane around to bother Fielding and uses various means to encourage her to move on, including getting her fired from her job. The restaurant owner fires Lane and pays her off.
Flamingo Road
7. Lane fired and paid off
Lane finds out that Titus is behind her firing and goes to see him.
Flamingo Road
8. Lane visits Titus Semple
Lane is defiant and tells him that she plans to stay in Boldon City. Semple has Lane arrested for "solciting" and sent to the women's prison. After she is released she returns to the town and takes a position with a nightclub run by Lute Mae Sanders who is also a political power and not under the control of Titus Semple.
Dan Reynolds is a powerful state politician who owns a construction company in Boldon City. He is based in the state capitol of Olympic City and has come to Boldon City to meet with local officials. They meet at Lute Mae's club.
Flamingo Road
9. Titus Semple and Dan Reynolds meet politicans
Dan meets Lane and they start seeing each other.
Flamingo Road
10. Car arrives at Reynold's Construction Co.
Dan Reynolds and Lane Bellamy exit the car.
Flamingo Road
11. Dan and Lane
Dan tries to purchase bottled drinks from a vending machine but lacks small change.
Flamingo Road
12. Dan hasn't any change
Lane sees his predicament and solves it.
Flamingo Road
13. Lane helps him out
Lane gives Dan two nickels which are shown in close-up.
Flamingo Road
14. Two nickels
The nickels shown are a Jefferson nickel obverse and reverse. Jefferson nickels were minted starting in 1938.
Dan hands Lane a bottle.
Flamingo Road
15. Two bottles
The crossed bottles result in love.
Flamingo Road
16. Love
Dan and Lane kiss and he asks her to marry him which she does. They move to a mansion on Flamingo Road. Lane has "arrived."
Flamingo Road
17. Lane and Dan make an entrance
Fielding has started drinking heavily and Titus Semple "fires" him. Titus decides to run for governor and meets with Reynolds's men. Titus threatens to expose the misdeeds of the men including Dan Reynolds.
Flamingo Road
18. Titus threatens Dan's men
Fielding, drunk, visits Lane at her house.
Flamingo Road
19. Fielding complains to Lane
Fielding complains about Semple and then pulls a gun and shoots himself.
Titus is sitting alone playing solitaire.
Flamingo Road
20. Titus alone
Lane visits him and tells him not to make trouble for her husband Dan.
She gets her point across the old fashioned way.
Flamingo Road
21. Lane makes her request
Lane and Titus fight over the pistol and Titus is fatally wounded.
The investigators imply to Dan that Lane will not be charged with a crime.
Flamingo Road
22. Officials reassure Dan
Dan and Lane hug each other.
Flamingo Road
23. Lane and Dan
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Joan Crawford as Lane Bellamy
Zachary Scott as Fielding Carlisle
Sydney Greenstreet as Sheriff Titus Semple
Virginia Huston as Annabelle Weldon
Gladys George as Lute Mae Sanders
David Brian as Dan Reynolds
Director: Michael Curtiz
Writers: Robert Wilder, Edmund H. North
Based on the 1942 novel Flamingo Road by Robert Wilder and the 1946 play by Wilder and his wife Sally
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