BrianRxm Coins in Movies 39/415
Png Blood Simple (1984)  
Texas bar owner keeps cigar box with loose change
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The 1984 film "Blood Simple" is a crime film set in modern-day Austin, Texas.
A Texas bar owner's gift of a gun to his unhappy wife results in several murders.
The bar owner hires a private detective to investigate his wife's affair with a bartender, then hires the detective to kill the wife and her lover. But the detective has other plans.
At one point a man searches the property and in the cash register finds a cigar box with loose change.
The coins in the cigar box are real United States coins, cents, nickels, and dimes.
Blood Simple
1. Title
The film is set in Austin Texas according to some advertising signs which appear later.
Blood Simple
2. Loren Visser
Loren Visser, a private detective, is hired by Julian Marty, the owner of a country-themed bar, to follow Marty's wife.
Blood Simple
3. Julian Marty
Visser gives Marty photos taken at a motel of Marty's wife Abby sleeping with Ray, one of Marty's bartenders.
Blood Simple
4. Photographs
Loren puts an engraved cigarette lighter on the desk.
Blood Simple
5. Loren Visser's lighter
The lighter's inscriptions read "Loren" and "Elks Man of the Year." The "Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks" is a fraternal organization.
A coin-related scene follows:
Blood Simple
6. Coins into a jukebox
A jukebox is a coin-operated automated music-playing device.
Blood Simple
7. Abby and Ray
The lovers continue to meet at Ray's suburban house.
Marty meets with Visser and offers him $10,000 to kill his wife and her lover. Visser accepts the offer and then goes to Abby's house and steals her gift gun from a purse.
Later Visser visits Marty at his bar office.
Blood Simple
8. Marty and computer
Marty is in his office with his 1984 computer with the green screen when Visser arrives and tells Marty that he has done the killing of the two lovers.
Blood Simple
9. Visser shows Marty the photographs
Visser shows photographs of two bodies with gunshot wounds. Marty does not look to closely at the photographs.
They are the photos Visser showed him before but with added images of bullet wounds and blood.
Marty goes to a safe and brings out the $10,000 in cash.
Blood Simple
10. Cash on the table
Visser picks up the cash.
Blood Simple
11. Visser shoots Marty
And then Visser shoots Marty with Abby's gun.
Ray arrives at the bar and finds Marty's body along with Abby's gun. He concludes that Abby shot her husband and starts cleaning up the crime scene.
Blood Simple
12. Ray at the Texas cash register
Ray opens the cash register and pulls out a cigar box.
Blood Simple
13. Cigar box
The cigars are "Antonio y Cleopatra" brand.
Ray opens the cigar box.
Blood Simple
14. Bar change
Some loose small change is in the box including United States Lincoln cents, Jefferson nickels, and Roosevelt dimes.
Ray also finds Abby's gun.
Blood Simple
15. Abby's gun
Ray takes the gun with him along with Marty's body as part of the "clean-up."
Ray puts the body in the back seat and drives out into the country where he makes an unpleasant discovery and stops the car. Marty is still alive and crawls out.
Blood Simple
16. Marty crawling along
The left sign reads "Austin's Number One Home Builders - Doyle Wilson."
Ray hits Marty with a shovel and then buries him in a farmer's field.
Ray, believing that Abby shot her husband, heads for their apartment.
Blood Simple
17. The apartment
Ray starts talking to Abby about being in the situation together but she does not know what he is talking about.
Visser discovers that he has left his engraved cigarette lighter at the bar and goes back to look for it. Abby arrives at the bar and Visser follows her back to the apartment.
Visser shoots and kills Ray and then tries to reach a window to get into another room.
Blood Simple
18. Visser reaching
Abby is in the room and stabs Visser's hand. Visser pulls out an automatic pistol with his other hand and fires through the door.
Blood Simple
19. Bullet hole lights
Visser pulls his wounded hand out and heads for the other room.
Blood Simple
20. Visser puts on his hat
Abby has not seen Visser and assumes that the man in her apartment is her husband Marty.
Blood Simple
21. Abby ready
Abby shoots through a door, opens it, and says "I'm not afraid of you, Marty."
She then finds Visser on the floor.
Blood Simple
22. Visser's last words.
Visser's last words are "If I see him, I'll sure give him the message."
Cast, Directors, Writers:
M. Emmet Walsh as Loren Visser
Frances McDormand as Abby
Dan Hedaya as Julian Marty
John Getz as Ray
Samm-Art Williams as Meurice
Director: Joel Coen
Writers: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
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