BrianRxm Coins in Movies 4/415
Png Allotment Wives (1945)  
Motion picture title shows illustrations of United States coins
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The 1945 film "Allotment Wives" is about the practice of women marrying one or more servicemen to receive their "allotments" or money sent by the US government to wives.
Investigator Pete Martin is sent after some women who have married multiple times to get more money. Pete meets a businesswoman named Sheila Seymour who is secretly the head of the allotment fraud business. Sheila runs a club as a means of introducing her girls to servicemen.
Besides the investigation, Sheila also has problems when conventional gangsters attempt to take over her operation.
The coins are only shown at the film's start as part of the title and credits.
Allotment Wives
1. Film title page
The title page and credits pages have the same three drawings of coins at the bottom.
The first two coins have women's heads facing left and the word "LIBERTY" while the third coin appears to have the reverse of a Walking Liberty half dollar and part of the words "UNITED STATES."
Cast, Directors, Writers:
Kay Francis as Sheila Seymour
Paul Kelly as Major Pete Martin
Otto Kruger as Whitey Colton
Director: William Nigh
Writers: Sidney Sutherland, Harvey Gates
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