BrianRxm The San Francisco Schools Bridge Medal BrianRxm
Png San Francisco Public Schools Achievement Medal  
Awarded to Boys from 1879 to 1915
The San Francisco Schools Bridge Medals were awarded to the top male students of San Francisco schools from 1879 to 1915. They were usually known as "Bridge Medals."
The Denman Medal was a similar medal awarded to female students.
Bridge Medalists:
1. Henry Kugeler 1884
2. Grace Jackson 1890
3. Joseph Clark 1891
4. Frank O'Donnell 1895
5. Arthur Dangers 1897
6. August Mehrtens 1897
7. Noble Hamilton 1902
8. Mervyn Wehe 1902
9. Frank Hansen 1905
10. John Roland Calder 1908
11. Frank Dowling 1910
12. Jack Penderboy 1913
13. Warren Marston 1914
14. Kenneth May 1915
15. Loton Wells 1915
16. Bronze Blank Medal
Denman Medalists:
17. Frances Mabel Reed 1899
Bridge Medal Frank O'Donnell
1. Bridge Medal awarded to Frank O'Donnell in 1895
Obverse: Samuel Bridge facing left, GIFT OF SAMUEL BRIDGE MLCCCLXXVIIII (1879)
Reverse: Scroll with AWARDED TO followed by engraved "Frank O'Donnell" and stamped "1895"
They were usually awarded in May of each year when the schools held graduation ceremonies. Some were also issued in January to students who graduated at half-term.
The Bridge and Denman medals were last issued in 1915 and then discontinued.
The reason for ending the medal programs is unknown but may have been due to the war in Europe which began in 1914 or the increase in the price of silver which was mostly stable in 1915 at 52 cents per troy ounce but began rising in November 1915. By June of 1916 the price was 68 cents and by December 1916 the price was 80 cents.
A similar medal, the Denman Medal, was first awarded in 1865 to graduates of the Denman Grammar School, a school for girls only. In 1889 the Denman medals were awarded to the top San Francisco school girls under the same rules as the Bridge medals for boys.
Newspaper notices:
Names of medal awardees were published in the local newspapers, including the Daily Alta California, San Francisco Chronicle, and the San Francisco Morning Call.
The Daily Alta California, May 30 1890:
The Scholastic Proficiency of Prize Pupils Rewarded
In accordance with the custom which has been in vogue in the Public School Department of this city for several years past, the pupils who have attained the highest percentage in the annual examinations and the best general average during the year, have had their diligence rewarded with medals from the Bridge and Denman funds, established for that particular purpose.
The San Francisco Chronicle June 6, 1915 issue mentions the award of Bridge and Denman medals that year but there are no further mentions of these awards.
Design and production:
The medals had a generic design with the profile of Samuel Bridge on the obverse and a place for the awardee's name on the reverse. They usually came with a loop or an attachment for a loop, possibly for wearing.
Obverse: Head of Samuel Bridge facing left / GIFT OF SAMUEL J. BRIDGE / MDCCCLXXVIIII [1879] Reverse: Banner above and wreath / AWARDED TO in banner
In 1907 the banner around "AWARDED TO" was removed.
The medals were made of silver and were 34 mm in diameter. Planchets of varying thickness were used and the medals weighed from 15 to 21 grams.
The medals were engraved with the recipient's name and usually stamped with the year awarded.
The medals were first struck at the Philadelphia Mint from 1879 to 1890.
In 1890 the US Mint stopped producing private medals and shipped the dies to San Francisco.
From 1891 to 1906 they were struck at Albert Kuner's office on Montgomery Street. Kuner was a German goldsmith who arrived in San Francisco in 1849 and who engraved many of the private gold coins for Moffat & Co., Wass, Molitor & Co., and Kellogg & Co. Kuner died in January 1906 and later an earthquake destroyed his shop, records, and dies.
Robert Schaezlein, a San Francisco silversmith and badge manufacturer, created new dies and struck the medals from 1907 to 1915.
Samuel Bridge:
Samuel James Bridge (June 1, 1809 to November 6, 1893):
He was born and died in Boston, Massachusetts, a member of a wealthy family there.
In 1841 he was an appraiser in the Boston Custom House.
In 1856 he was assigned to San Francisco as Appraiser General of the Pacific Coast.
He also was the Commissioner in charge of the building of the Customs House and US Mint.
He later donated a statue to Harvard University.
Samuel Bridge established "Bridge Medal Fund for Boys" in 1879.
The City and County of San Francisco Department of Public Schools publication Twenty-sixth Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Schools for the School Year Ending June 30, 1879, page 310, "Bridge Medal Fund" noted:
A former resident of San Francisco, for many years holding the office of Appraiser-General under the Federal Government, taking deep interest in the public schools and desirous of emulating the distinguished example of [Benjamin] Franklin in founding medals for worthy public school boys, made a handsome gift to the city, in the last school year, the circumstances and purposes of which are fully explained in the following resolution, adopted by the Board of Supervisors:
Resolution No. 13,550
Whereas, Samuel J. Bridge, of Dresden, County of Lincoln, State of Maine, has donated the sum of $2,000, gold coin, unto the Mayor... to be used for the purchase of silver medals for distribution among the most meritorious boys of the Public Grammar Schools of San Francisco... [to be] an honorable mark of proficiency and distinction - "A Bridge Medal"
The March 26, 1962 San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) newsletter San Francisco Public Schools Bulletin had an article on the Bridge and Denman medals.
Red Cross 'find' provides SFUSD history note
The Golden Gate Chapter, American Red Cross and the local Junior Red Cross have provided a unique service for the San Francisco Unified School District by discovering a historic medal award.
The Denman Medal, which approximates the size of a silver dollar, was presented to girl students between 1888 and 1915, ending during the World War I era.
The Samuel J. Bridge Medal, was awarded to outstanding boy graduates of S.F. grammar schools between 1879 and 1915.
Medals of the United States Mint: The First Century, 1792-1892 by R. W. Julian, published by the Token and Medal Society (TAMS), 1977, lists these medals as number SC-52.
"The Denman Grammar School Medals of San Francisco" by Michael Wehner, TAMS Journal September/October 2011 - Vol. 51, No. 5.
And finally...
The San Francisco Call of Friday, May 29, 1896, Page 11, published this article:
SCHOOL MEDALS MUST SOON GO No More Souvenirs for Bright Girls and Boys A SOURCE OF JEALOUSY The Bridge and Denman Prizes Will Not Be Used Next Term PRINCIPALS' PERTINENT VIEWS A Luxury for Few - An Injury to Many - The Pupil at the Foot of the Class
It has been virtually determined by the educational Solons that the medals, which for so many years past have been awarded to the public school children upon their graduation from the grammar grades in recognition of excellence in scholarship and deportment, are more harmful than beneficial. At the end of the term these glittering souvenirs that, with their blue ribbon attachments, have been worn so proudly by so many bright and well behaved boys and girls will be in use no longer.
They are doomed and will soon be only a recollection of past days. Pride is not the sole feeling associated with these medals, for their distribution as experience shows has been provocative also of many heartaches and jealousies. Conformably to instructions from the Board of Education, Superintendent Babcock recently sent a circular letter to primary, grammar and high school principals, inquiring: "In your judgment is the presentation of medals advantageous?"
The answers received thus far from a score of principals, including several of the representative schools, are emphatically in the negative.
"I am firmly of the opinion," says William H. Edwards of the Crocker Grammar "that the distribution of medals for scholarship and deportment is an unalloyed evil, and for one I wish the Board of Education would find some means of abolishing the nuisance. Those who win the medals are those from whom no effort is necessary. Often the most deserving do not get them. Often they are the cause of jealousy and bard feeling. Often the recipients obtain them by cheating and sharp practice."
"Often those who do get them place no value upon them. I do not", writes James T. Hamilton of the Lincoln Grammar, "regard medals as a proper incentive to study. Few pupils work for them after the first two or three months. The rest of the class drops out of the race. Those that do work for medals are the bright pupils, who need no such stimulus."
"No matter how fairly awarded, there are always some pupils, and often a few parents, dissatisfied." Miss Clara M. Johnston of the Fairmount Primary thus tersely and strongly expresses her views: "If medals are to be distributed, the number should be increased, giving the pupils who have made great improvement an equal chance with those who are naturally bright or whose home surroundings are such that they have every advantage. In my own neighborhood some of the brightest children come from homes where parents are unable to read or write, where no daily paper is taken and where there are few if any books in the house. Such pupils deserve medals before those ranking hither."
The system of medal distribution finds an out-and-out advocate in W. W. Stone of the South San Francisco Primary, who says: "I believe in the medal system. Like all other stimulants, medals should be given on the prescription of competent mental doctors. If there are men or women or children whose powers of mind or body do not glow best under the motive energy of healthful emulation I have never met them. Medals properly mixed and purely administered stir the sluggish blood and impart activity to the halting brain."
Miss Agnes M. Manning of the Webster Primary and Mrs. Tiarah J. Mann of the Hawthorne Primary also think that the medals should be retained and distributed impartially. Superintendent Babcock says that medals ratify the pride of a few at the expense of the many, and should accordingly be discontinued. The pupil at the foot of his class is, he holds, entitled to the utmost respect if he be in earnest in his desire to learn and will, in the long run, be likely to come out a winner.
The San Francisco Call of Wednesday, March 31, 1897, Page 14 noted:
It is expected that the Denman medal fund of $3000 and the Bridge medal fund of $3000 will be made a part of the annuity fund, as they are no longer used for their original purpose, owing to the fact that the awarding of medals to pupils engendered jealousy and ill-feelings.
The San Francisco Call of Friday, September 6, 1912 had this lost-and-found advertisement:
LOST - On Saturday. August 30, bridge medal, engraved on back FRANK C. TRACEY. June 28, 1912. Return to F. C. TRACEY 136 Chenery St.; reward.
The San Francisco Municipal Record of Thursday, January 2, 1913, page 141 noted:
A communication from Harry Hook regarding the loss of a Bridge medal, and requesting duplicate of same, was referred to the School Committee.